Chapter V

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The outline of the planet closed in as the castle drifted closer to it. Taricon was a rather dull and green looking planet, very different from what Keith saw in the videos. He stood, almost pressed against the glass of the castle, his heart racing. He honestly didn't know weather or not they were going to find Lance. He pressed his arms against himself, almost as if he was cold and his eyes drifting to his feet.

"You alright?" A voice came to his side, Keith's eyes moving to look at Shiro.

I'm fine... just worried. He replied, I know Lance and I don't get along most of the time, but he is still my teammate and I'm very worried.

Shiro seemed to have accepted Keith's words, even if he know that they were all lies. Keith could never tell with the black paladin. Shiro may be open to may things, but the fact that Shiro could easily catch onto a lie made Keith's skin crawl with nervousness. Keith could only hope that Shiro didn't know.

"I understand, we are all worried for Lance," Shiro replied, his eyes drifting to his robotic arm, "I rather not have him end up like me.... We must find him."

Keith gave a slight nod as he turned when he heard the door open. Allura moved across the room to the control panels.

"Everyone in your lions," she spoke up, his voice ringing around the castle as everyone was scattered.

Shiro quickly turned to Keith, letting a hand pat his shoulder, "we'll find Lance. One way or another."

With that, he and Shiro raced out of the room and to their designated shoots that lead to their lions. And once Keith was in his lion, he let his hand grab ahold of the levers and gently he let his lion move out of the hanger. He was greeted by Shiro, Pidge and Hunk as they steered their lions towards Taricon.

:: Be careful :: Allura's face appeared on the hologram in Keith's cockpit, "for all we know, the Galra still could be here."

:: Got it :: Pidge's voice came over a hologram as well.

Keith was quiet as he let his gaze scan the outer rim if the planet, searching for any sign of Galra. And usually there was never a sign until they entered a planets atmosphere and this was one of those times. No signs of Galra yet as they entered, Red was making a sort of noises, usually telling Keith that something was nearby. His heart raced. Was it Lance and his lion? His scanners cleared, showing that what Red was picking up was something much bigger and Keith's heart sank, sadness and fear rising in his stomach.

Be ready for anything. He called quietly over the helmets, earning a few got it from the others.

The four lions continued their way down the surface, but nothing came to greet them, just dull land below them. Each lion came to landing and Keith looked around at the structures around them. Homes, from the looks of it, burned down and parts of the planets land was damaged and parts of it missing.

:: This planet.... it was drained :: Pidge spoke up as her lion moved forward and towards the homes.

:: Galra must've taken everything :: Hunk said, :: the natives... ::

The black lion moved past the green lion and continued to where it was going. The other lions then moved to follow. Together they came to a large structure. It was dusty and powered down. The structure was almost like a castle with three main towers. One of the towers side was blown out and it had multiple holes from blasts.

:: What happened here? :: Pidge asked her voice raising in way that made her sound very serious.

No idea. But whatever happened, it wasn't good. Keith spoke up.

:: Let's investigate. Maybe we'll fine out what happened if the place still works :: Shiro said, his lion rearing up to take off toward the tower that was damaged.

:: Hunk and Keith take the lower half. Pidge and I will look up top ::

Got it. Keith replied as he pushed his lever forward to where he was able to move Red into the building, Hunk following.

The walls were scorched and crumpling as the two lions padded down the hallway. Robotic Galra's laid along the walls and out in the hall. Doors to rooms were either slight opened or ripped away. The building may not be powered, but Keith could see that some of the door panels sparked, almost as if the building was trying to turn itself on.

The hallway soon opened into a large room, possibly a small command center. Carefully, Keith had Red crouch down, it's mouth opening. Keith then removed himself from the chair and raced out of his lion. As he exited, he looked over to the yellow lion to see that Hunk was leaving his lion as well. Keith then turned his attention the command panel and crossed the room towards it. He was surprised at how dusty and foggy the room was, the lions made it look so clear.

As he came to the command panel, Keith looked at the panel, carefully pressing a few buttons. It wasn't long until he had pressed a button and the panel turned on. A screen popped up, the Galra language on the screen along with other technological language. Carefully, Keith moved to gently tap seemingly random buttons, pulling up some sort of log book. He looked through it desperately, even though he barely make out what any of it was saying. Anything Lance, which he could tell if anything was, his hope for his boyfriend would rise. But, his heart sank once more. Lance was nowhere to be found in the log book. Keith moved back to take a quick scan with his helmet, hoping that it would mean something to Allura or Coran. And find some way to find Lance.

Shiro, I've found something. Keith called through the helmet.

:: Alright, Pidge and I haven't found much. She's downloaded the ships video system, but we really can't do much here ::

Understood. Hunk and I should go back to ship. You should as well. Keith replied as he moved around the control panel and headed back to the lions.

:: Copy that ::

Keith looked over at Hunk and gave him a small nod, knowing that he had heard and they headed into their lions. Keith took his seat and carefully. Keith steered Red to leave the structure once and for all.

His heart was heavy. They may not searched the whole building, yet, Keith knew Lance would not be there. Sadness, fear and any other feeling grew within him. He needed Lance. Being away from him this long was hurting him so much.

And he feared that one day he would lose all hope and they would never find Lance.

I'm back! Sorry if this sloppy writing, this chapter was bothering me so much and I needed to get it into words.

So here it is. Enjoy and have a lovely day!


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