Chapter ||

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Chapter ||

The next day came back as fast Keith had fallen asleep. He was placed at the table, arms crossed and foot tapping on the floor as his pricing blue eyes were narrowed at his teammates, who were sitting in the other side of the table with a guilty expression in their face. Shiro had promised that he would tell him what was going on and why Lance wasn't in the castle and with the lose of his voice, Keith was unable to urge them on and get them to tell him. Everyone was silent as they were trying to find the right words to say since they didn't want to worry Keith.

"You crash landed," Shiro was the first to speak, making Keith's already annoyed glare land in him, "after the Wormhole Incident, Allura and Coran found Hunk, Pidge and I, however, when we found you, your injuries were nearly fatal."

"Our pods were down," Allura said from her seat next to Shiro, "we've done our best that we could without the help of the pods... And like I said earlier, we couldn't save your voice. But, ever since we've found you, you've been in a coma, as Shiro explained to me, and you've been asleep for three weeks."

Keith was even more silent, if that were possible, as he his brows furrowed in thought. He didn't remember anything past the point of them saving Allura from the Galra. No matter how hard his brain scrambled to pull out those lost memories, Keith just could not remember. However, he quickly snapped out of his thoughts and immediately mouthed Lance. Shiro caught on immediately and then cleared his throat.

"Lance has yet to be located," Shiro said.

Keith froze, his heart sank as he heard the news. He stared down at the table, his mind racing. Lance was gone?

His boyfriend was gone?

"We've been fortunate that he managed to find a log recorder and has been recording for the past three weeks," Shiro continued.

Keith immediately snapped his head at Shiro, mouth open and desperately trying to get his voice out to express his worry, but his expression dropped so fast that his teammates started towards him. Keith stopped them up a small wave of his hand, in which they did, but with the most guilty look on their faces. They were in silence before Allura got up and then went to Keith. She laid a gentle hand in his shoulder.

"I know you're worried about Lance, but, right now, let us do the work while you heal," Allura spoke softly.

Keith looked at her and mouthed the words, is Lance okay? He remembered the hologram screen with a bloodied Lance and the blue paladin didn't seem to look very good. Allura's eyes softened even more, if that were possible, before she glanced over at Shiro.

"While you were out for three weeks," Shiro began, "Lance began leave log recordings for us. For awhile, he was just trying to survive but jumping from planet to planet. However, the recordings stopped and picked up as Lance was fighting the Galra Empire, as you saw that other day."

Keith's eyes widen as he heard that Lance was fighting without them. Did that mean he was alone..? Fear gripped his heart at the thought of that. Lance would get himself killed! Shiro saw the worry in Keith's eyes and couldn't help but to get up from his seat and make his way over to Keith.

“Lance is fine, will be fine once he find out where he is,” he said, laying a hand on Keith's shoulder, “don't worry, we'll handle it while you heal.”

No matter how many times Shiro and the other were going to say not to worry, Keith was worrying. He knew the kind of trouble Lance could possibly get into, he knew that flirty personality of his will get him enemies and he knew that Lance had no experience of being alone.

Keith hated leaving Lance alone.

Keith stared at the table before he looked up at Shiro and gave a little nod. He understood that he needed to heal, however, he could still help. He looked over at Pidge, hoping to get her attention as she was exchanging glances with Hunk. Keith frowned as she didn't notice him and he moved it his hand and smacked it against the tabletop. Pidge and Hunk immediately jumped and looked at him. Keith smiled at Pidge for a quick moment, before he mouthed the words, Can I see the recordings? The look on Pidge's face told Keith that she didn't understand and the red paladin gave a long sigh.

“Allura, do you have anything that will help Keith communicate with us? Any simple?” Shiro asked, looked at her.

Allura placed a finger against her chin in thought, glancing around the room as if to try and remember something. Her face brighten and she smiled.

“I think I got just the thing!” She exclaimed, “we can use the Patch!”

Keith raised a brow at what she said, but Allura didn't explain as she had gotten up and raced out of the room. The other paladin's exchanged glances before they shrugged at each other. Allura returned in a matter of minutes was looked like a neuro link. Keith mouthed O as he remembered the device during training.

“With this, you'll be able to speak through it,” she said, handing Keith the Patch.

Keith examined it for a moment before he but it on. He was unsure if it was actually going to work, but he took a deep breath and then looked at his friends.

Can I see the recordings? The voice came out robotic, to Keith's disappointment, but he saw the bright smiles that Hunk and Pidge gave when hearing the question.

I may not be of use in battle, but I can at least help on the castle.

Pidge was quiet for a long moment, almost as if she was debating with herself, however she gave a nod, “go ahead. Just be aware of…. Er well…. Hard recordings.”

Keith blinked and then gave a nod. He honestly didn't know what she meant, mostly due to his brain still processing all the information, but he was ready.

“I will give you my spare laptop, it already has the recordings on it,” she said, “and don't go through any stuff on it. I would like to keep my laptop orderly.”

Sure thing Pidge.

The small girl gave him a smile and then stood from her position at the table. Keith watched her go, before he turned to Shiro.

You said Lance was leaving recordings, right? Anything new since yesterday?

“Sadly no,” Shiro replied, “we were going over the old ones. Lance hasn't made a recording in the last couple of days.”

Old recordings? He’s fighting the Galra isn't he, so how can the screenshot from yesterday be old?

“You have questions, I get it, but let the recordings speak for themselves.”

Shiro turned his head towards the door where Pidge had disappeared through, as did Keith. The green paladin had entered the room again, carrying a small laptop with her. She moved across the room to Keith, setting the laptop down.

“The files are already up, so you can immediately watch them the moment you open the laptop,” Pidge said.

“If you have questions, we'll be in the control room, looking over the recordings again,” Allura spoke up, “or if you finished and have no questions, just join us.”

Will do.

Allura gave him a smile and moved towards the door with the others. Keith watched them go before he looked at the laptop. He didn't know what he was getting himself into if he opened the laptop, but for Lance's sake, Keith must. With his heart tense and a deep breath, Keith opened the laptop, ready to dive into the videos.

Rough Mission |Klance|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن