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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


They were coming after me...all of them...all the people I cared about. Jim...Uhura...Spock...Chekov...Sulu...Scotty...Bones...they all hated you and were now right behind you.

"Stop running (Y/N), you won't get away"

"Come on lass...stop running...come with us"

"Darlin' you know you can trust me...just stop running...I promise we won't kill you"

"For now..."

*wakes up*

You shot up in a cold just had a horrible nightmare, you quickly turned on the light and got out of bed, you grabbed your dressing gown and left your room, you quickly ran down the hall to the only person you could think of to help you...Pavel.

When you reached his quarters you banged on the door, hoping he'd hear, you looked down the dark corridors and started to panic as to what could be lurking in the shadows, this made you almost break the door down but luckily the door opened, you instantly ran in and pushed the door shut before hugging Pavel tightly.

"(Y/N)??? V...vhat are you doing??? It'z 2 o'clock in ze morning?!"

"I...I had a nightmare...I'm scared"

"Oh princezz...come here"

Chekov wrapped his arms around your shaking body...he hated seeing you like this, it hadn't been the first time you'd paid him a visit and it probably wouldn't be the last. Chekov had tried everything he could think of to help you, but nothing worked...he could see how these nightmare were effecting you and it tore him apart.

"Vhy don't you ztay here tonight...maybe it'll help to know zomevone iz vith you"


Chekov lead you over to his bed and you both climbed in, you cuddled into Pavel and you both started to drift into sleep...hopefully you won't have that horrid dream again.

The next morning, you woke up in the warm arms of Chekov, he was still asleep so you lay there looking at his face, it looked so peaceful...and handsome. You couldn't resist lightly kissing his lips, you'd had an insane crush on the navigator since you met him. You just wanted to know what it was like to kiss him.

As soon as your lips met his, you felt was different to other people you kissed but you didn't know why, you kept your lips on Pavel's for a moment to long and as you went to move away, he pulled you back to him and kissed you more passionately. Your heart skipped a beat. When you stopped kissing you looked into Pavel's eyes.

"Vell if zhat'z how you'd vake me up, maybe you zhould ztay more often"

"I'm sorry, it's"

"Couldn't rezizt my ruzzian charm???"

You could feel your cheeks go red with embarrassment. Chekov then changed the subject.

"Zo, how did you zleep???"

"For once...I slept great...your a miracle worker Mr Chekov"

"Maybe that'z vhat you need..."


"You know...zomevone to ztay both, maybe, knowing zomevone iz zhere, putz your mind at eaze zo you can zleep better"

"I think you might be right"

"Zo now ve juzt need to find zomevone for you to zhare a quarter vith...I'll azk ze Keptin if zhere iz anyvone willing to hard a room mate"

"Or...I have a better idea"

"And vhat'z zhat???"

"Maybe I should move in here...with you"

"Bell, I was haffing me in ze room zhat made you zleep better..."

"Yeah, and maybe I wouldn't be the same with someone else...what if I'm meant to be with you"

"Zhen vith me, you zhall ztay..."

Chekov then kissed you again and your hands started to play with his hair...maybe now, you won't have to be in that awfully nightmare ever again, be cause you had Pavel to help you forever.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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