(Non-Canon Chapter): Neptunia World

Comenzar desde el principio

C-Sha: And?

You started sweating still trying to think of something but no idea popped in your head.

C-Sha: If you wont give me an answer, then I'll force one out of you.

She took a fighting stand with her fists up, she charges straight at you as she trys to land a punch to you but you blocked it with your arm up.

Her left fist turned into fire surrounding it as she punches you in the chest making an explosion, she jumps back away from you.

C-Sha: That'll teach him not to mess with me

Her victory was cut short as the smoke cleared, seeing you completely unharmed by her fire punch as she was shocked about it.

Y/N: Aww man, I just got this think cleaned.

She shook her head as she snap back to reality as she look towards you.

C-Sha: Wow, I'm impressed, you survived one of my fire punches.

Y/N: Umm thanks?

C-Sha: But it looks like I have to get serious with you.

After she said that a gold light appear surrounding her, a pair of dragon looking wings appear behind her back with boot gauntlets on her lower legs and her eyes turned golden.

After she said that a gold light appear surrounding her, a pair of dragon looking wings appear behind her back with boot gauntlets on her lower legs and her eyes turned golden

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C-Sha: Now I'm about to give you the pain!

She launches herself in the air diving as she did her high jump kick at you, you dodged it easily as she landed on the ground making a quake.

She charges towards you with great speed with her left fist of ice and right fist of fire, you started to dash away from her with incredible speed.

She did her combo attacks with her fire and ice punches at you as suddenly she stops and realize you were gone.

C-Sha: What the?! He vanished?!

She looked around her surroundings as she spotted you, she jumped up in the air landing in front of you as you stopped running.


She made a punch in the air with her right fist as it made a fire looking blast beam heading straight towards you, you quickly moved out of the way as the blast past right by you as it went through a few hills.

Y/N: Damn that was close, could've burned my clothes.

She dropped to her knees panting heavily, trying to get back up.

C-Sha: Damnit, his good, no one has able to catch up with me at my level...

You look back at her as was worn out and tired so you approached her as she got into her fighting stand again so you held your hands up, telling her you don't want to fight her anymore.

Y/N: Look, I'm not looking for a fight okay, can we just talk about this?

Silence accord for a moment as a gold bright light surrounded her, her Dragon looking wings was gone, her boot gauntlets as well and her eyes turned back to gray color.

C-Sha: Fine, we'll talk

You sigh of relieve as you walk towards her.

C-Sha: What you say your name was?

Y/N: Its F/N

C-Sha: Nice to meet you F/N, I'm C-Sha

She smiled at you offering her hand to you as you took it and you two shook hands, then the unexpected happened, she pulled you close to her as she lock her lips with yours and she kissed you passionately.

You two broke the kiss as she had her arms around your neck, smiling at you.

C-Sha: No one was able to match up with my level and your the first ever man to bet me in a fight.

Y/N: But I didn't even fought you though.

C-Sha: Still, you were strong and you were holding back, makes me want to have a rematch with you, is that okay?

Y/N: Umm, sure why not?

C-Sha: Good

She kissed you on the cheek and let's you go, suddenly a bright light surrounded you as you vanished in front of her.

C-Sha: Hmm, wonder if I'll see him again, I really wanted a rematch with him, also...he was cute.

She blushed as she was thinking about you, walking back to Lowee.


The bright light disappeared as you were back at your apartment starring at the T.V. with the character info menu of C-Sha, the girl you fought.

You feel a tap on your shoulder as you saw Issei beside you with a worried look on his face.

Issei: You okay F/N, you've been starring at the T.V. for awhile while I was calling your name a few times.

Y/N: Oh, yea, I'm alright

Issei looked at the T.V. and saw the character C-Sha as he smirked at you.

Issei: So C-Sha is waifu huh?

Y/N: Waifu?

Issei: Yea, your favorite girl in the game, mines Vert.

Y/N: Why Vert?


Y/N: Your such a perv...


I hope you guys enjoyed this Non-Canon Chapter, I Love Hyperdimension Neptunia and my waifus are C-Sha and Uzume, tell me who's your favorite waifus in the game, also if you guys want me to make a "One Punch Man Male Reader x Hyperdimension Neptunia" then comment below and I will make it happen in the later future, bye-bye.

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