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A/N: I really don't know where to go with this story yet so if you have any suggestions/ideas, even the smallest things feel free to leave a comment :)


Jonathan let him know that he included a photo of Mitch in his email back to Esther and Mitch cringes at that. He still has no idea what the job is, it's kind of a PA, but not really, and the mysterious part really has him anxious. But somehow he actually got the job (him, out of hundreds of applicants!!) and so it happens that today, he is flying across the country from New York to LA to meet up with Scott Hoying's staff.

He is beyond nervous, spent hours in his hotel room contemplating which shade of black he should wear, how to style his hair even though he always styles it the same way, and whether to eat beforehand or if that would make him throw up. He decided against eating, which he now realizes was a terrible mistake. He's feeling sick, his stomach is grumbling but it's too late now. He's standing in front of the address he's been given, a recording studio as it seems, to meet up with Esther Koop.

A small red-headed woman who he recognizes from Scott's Snapchat stories as Kate opens the door, smiling at him. He runs his fingers through his hair, offering a shy smile back.

"Hi!" She says excitedly. "You must be Mitch Grassi, it's a pleasure to meet you! Come on in, Esther is waiting for you."

"Okay. Nice to meet you, too!"

He stumbles into the entrance hall, or should he say lobby because there's a fancy bar with a fancy couch and fancy LEDs hanging from the walls. There are also certificates displayed with names like Taylor Swift, Beyoncé and obviously, Scott Hoying. Mitch immediately feels like he doesn't belong in such a place.


This is Esther, shit! How does he behave?

"Hi," he offers shyly.

The dark haired woman runs up to him, shaking his hand and smiling. "I'm Esther Koop. I'm so glad you found the address and everything went well. We need you."

"O-okay? What is the job?"

Esther's lips form a thin line.

"Well... About that. Mr. Kalter let me know that you are open to trying out new stuff. So... Here's my question. Are you a fan of Scott Hoying? This is important."

I'm obsessed with him.

"He's a great musician, definitely someone I look up to."

"Are you like... A fangirl?" She raises an eyebrow. For a second Mitch thinks she caught him but he awkwardly laughs it off.

"No, I... I wouldn't say so."

"Perfect!" She seems to relax a bit. "Anyway, last question. A little personal but it'll make sense once you know what you'll have to do. Are you gay, do you support the LGBTQ community, and are you single?"

"Um... Is that a trick question?"

"No, no, just answer honestly, please."

"I'm gay and single?"

"Perfect! Okay, we'll start today, yeah?"

How... What just happened?!

"Es- Mrs. Koop, could I please have an explanation of what I'll have to do? I've been in the dark this whole time, I applied for this job not even knowing what it was."

"Of course. But before I tell you, please think about it before you bail. This is really important to us, and to Scott. He specifically asked for this and he chose you from all the applications."

Oh. Wow.

"Of course," he promises.

"You'll have to sign a contract. It says you have to give all of your social media information and it will be monitored. Nothing about this job is allowed to appear online."

"O-okay?" Mitch nods.

"So... Are you ready?"

Another nod. Kate comes back around the corner but stands in the doorway, just observing the scene from a distance.

"Scott's sales have been going down drastically in the past few months. We don't know what, or why this was caused but we need to fix this as soon as possible."

"Okay?" Mitch looks at Esther, completely confused. "And how do I fit into this?"

"He needs a boyfriend."

Mitch just looks at Esther with a shocked expression.

"Is that... Are you serious? Am I supposed to be his... Boyfriend?"

"No, that's not exactly how it is." She shakes her head. "You're the mystery boy that Scott is being seen with. This will bring attention to all of us. People will do research, people will get invested, people want to find out more. But we don't give them more. You'll be the guy he's potentially dating, you just have to be seen with him in public, appear in a couple of Snapchats and we got it."

"So... Not his actual boyfriend?"

"No." Esther laughs. "You don't need to like... Do stuff with him. Maybe hold hands in public, but that's all I'm asking. You have to be... Convincing but mysterious. Cause debates on whether or not... Scomiche... Is real."

"Scomiche?" Mitch huffs out a laugh. "Shouldn't it be Scomitch or something?"

"Scomiche sounds fancier." She laughs again, and somehow her laugh has a calming effect. "Sounds a little French. Put a bunch of accents on the O and the I and you got your perfect ship name."

He can't deny it, the thought of being Scott Hoying's boyfriend makes his heart beat faster and his head spin. He's not only meeting him, but he has to pretend to be his idol's boyfriend! If this isn't goals in life, then he doesn't know what is.

"So, as I said, we're starting today. Are you ready?"

"W-what do you mean, ready?"

Esther gives him a warm smile.

"You're meeting Scott Hoying."

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