Finding Sam Franco

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It was Andrew who finally helped her to track down the elusive Sam, he hadn't even asked her too much questions, just seen her harried expression and presented her with a website that allowed local council's to book fair's, on there was a contact number for Marvolo's Travelling Fair, she'd called the number and got through to a man named Georgio who consequently put her in touch with Sam.

And now she was bracing herself as she dialed his number, what if she was making a stupid mistake, he hadn't got his reputation around town for nothing, what if he was going to break Cooper's heart, or worse not even turn up.

"Hello, Sam speaking"

She recognised that rich voice from a long time ago.

"Hi this might sound strange to you and feel free to hang up if you want to but my name's Florence Clarke and I'm calling about Cooper... I think you'll want to hear me out"

Silence met her words, a needle could have dropped and then Sam started talking fast.

"Is she okay? Has something happened to her? Did she change her number?"

Someone was eager.

This plan might just work.

"She's fine" Florence soothed, reminding herself that she wasn't going to say a word about Amberly, that wasn't her secret to tell.

"She actually doesn't know I'm calling you by the way you don't know me well so hello there, I'm Florence Cooper's best friend also known as the one who will beat the living daylights out of you if you hurt her, she just told me about you recently and probably wouldn't be too happy with me calling you but frankly, she's miserable and that seems to be your doing I know you two had something and she broke it off but she didn't mean anything she said she was just sad and scared"

"Wait, Florence are you telling me that Cooper doesn't like hate me now? She never picks up her phone and the weekend I was here I asked around but they told me she moved out of town"

He sounded utterly hopeful, like someone had handed him the sun in his hands, okay maybe she had been wrong about him.

"Oh I'm pretty sure that Cooper doesn't hate you Sam, I think she's far from it"

"I'm coming to Phillipson right now, give me directions, is she at your house?"

This guy didn't mess around.

"Steady on soldier I barely know you, first I'm going to give you the facts, Cooper is kind of emotionally unstable right now and there's probably things you two need to talk about that I'm not even going to try and start right now, and secondly I've heard quite alot about you and the way you like jumping from one bed to another no offence so if your in some kind of relationship right now don't come here and wreck Cooper's life"

"They're rumors, all of them Florence I'm telling you people like to gossip and when people from the fair arrive they have more to gossip about but I promise you it's been two years and I haven't been in a serious relationship, I've missed Cooper more than I can say but I thought she moved on ages ago given that she's been giving me the cold shoulder for over a year, I would never dream of hurting her I can promise you that right now"

The sincerity in his voice was evident, he wasn't some ruffian who was going to leave Cooper hanging.

"Okay I believe you, you care about her but I have a better idea than you charging here in the dead of night and scaring the heck out of her, in three weeks I'm getting married Sam and I want you to come to my wedding on the 27th, be there and then you can see her and talk to her, this gives you time to consider whether being with her is what you want, that this isn't some romantic notion of yours, you need to sort out you business with the fair and I need to make double-sure that this meeting won't end up in tears"

"I don't actually work for the fair anymore, I do the odd weekends, Georgio is my uncle so I can come anytime, but sure thank you, thank you for contacting me and giving me and invite and making me believe that maybe all hope isn't lost"

It was the kind of line that came out of a movie and Florence couldn't help but feel warm inside, no wonder why Cooper had fallen for him, she felt giddy as she hung up with the promise to keep Sam updated, she was actually doing something that would make a difference.

"Andrew!" she called and he appeared in the hallway holding up pasta sauce.

She ran to him and through her arms around him, not caring that he'd dropped the carton on the floor and cupped his face in her hands leaning in to kiss him, he tasted of basil.

"Why are you so happy?" he asked grinning.

"Because everything is working out and I'm getting married in two weeks!"

"We're getting married in two weeks and just a side note, its lovely that your so passionate but if your Dad who is currently in the kitchen helping your Mum make dinner like you said you would do sees me standing this close to you he'll probably stab me with a butter knife"

She giggled and wrapped and arm around his waist as they walked into the kitchen and an infusion of delicious smells hit her.

"Ah my dissapearing daughter has deigned to join us" Florence's Mother kissed her on the cheek and tossed her an apron.

"That man of yours has been studiously chopping peppers for half an hour, make yourself useful and put on the spaghetti"

She smiled and Florence smiled back, basking in the fact that maybe just maybe the 27th of September would be a perfect day.

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