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"You're an inspiration Miss Clarke, an utter inspiration without you my daughter would never have pursued her dreams and become the person she is today, on behalf of us both I thank you from the bottom of my heart"

What exactly did you say back to something like that?

Often Florence made the mistake of detaching herself from her readers thinking that her words were just words that couldn't affect or change anything, but seeing in front of her in solid flesh a Mother telling her how her book had changed and shaped someone she couldn't help but feel intensely proud of herself.

And at the same time she felt more panicked than ever, people were relying on her to help them get through their bad days, to reach the other side of the storm and come out stronger, she wasn't worthy of a position.

Florence couldn't count on her two hands how much times young girls and boys had come up to her today begging her to write another book, she'd said no too much times today.

She looked over to the girl standing holding her book like it was a holy artefact, she had the most beautiful brown hair that hung in a shiny wave, was slightly chubby and her glasses were too small for her face, she probably didn't think she was beautiful, the other girls probably called her names and made her feel like she wasn't worth her place on the Earth.

Though she knew Natalie wouldn't like it, there was a whole queue of impatient parents and clamouring children behind this girl, Florence stood up and walked over to her resting one had on her shoulder, the look of reverence she was met with made her want to weep, she didn't deserve such adoration.

"What's your name sweetie?"


"Well Alia that's a beautiful name, and you're a very special girl given what your Mother's been telling me and I just want to tell you that no matter what anyone says you can be whoever you want to be, you hold your head up high and you'll tower above people who consider themselves above you, never doubt that you are extraordinary, you can have two signed copies for free don't even think about paying"

The girl's face crumpled and she began to cry, that hadn't been what Florence had intended but looking at her she realised those tears were tears of joy, Alia held out her arms as if she wasn't sure how a hug would be received, Florence took her into her arms and hugged her trying to send a message straight to her heart, to strengthen it and make sure Alia would always be happy to be alive.

And so at the end of her second at on tour Florence felt like a changed person, like she'd somehow given a piece of herself to every eager reader that had approached her.

If she could live a hundred days like this she would die a happy woman.

She hadn't even considered her conflicting heart today, Andrew had sent her photo of an adorable African toddler with pink braids and a gummy grin, they were both trying to bring about happiness in their own way.

In a bad way she wished they could stay like this, with her doing her own thing and he doing his own thing, on different sides of the world but still content.

Did that mean she didn't want to be with Andrew?

The thought made her feel guilty, of course she wanted to be with Andrew she was marrying him.

Dawning (Dysmorphia Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now