Chapter 28

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I woke up pretty early this morning. I have a splitting headache and I don't know why.

I was up all night talking with Damien and we laughed and cried, the usual stuff.

Jeremy was awake when I went to bed last night and I can't help but feel he heard us talking last night.

This is all just so confusing, I hate being in the middle or causing this. For all I know I may be the cause of loosing all my friends and the whole time I thought I was the good one.

I sit up on my bed and look over at Jeremy whose snoring loudly, I sigh and movie  my hair out of my face.

I look over at Damien and he's not in his bed, I stare in confusion for a minute and than get up and go downstairs.

Where'd he go? He can't just disappear. I check the kitchen, nope. The living room, nada. Outside, front and back, bubkis.

A suddenly yell and a loud thump are heard from outside. I jump and run for the door.

Laying on the ground outside the door was Damien. He was laughing and rubbing his head. I look at him weird "what are you doing?"

He looks up and smiles "well I was chasing a rabbit, then a squirrel, it went up a tree so I followed it" he says looking at the tree looming over the cabin.

He shrugs "now I'm here, on the ground, with a hurt head, and a hurt butt" he says smiling.

I help him up "your crazy, why were you chasing a squirrel?" I ask as he dusts himself off.

He shrugs "I was bored, and he stole my breakfast" he says looking up at the tree again. I laugh "your funny, come on let's get you inside" I say taking his hand and pulling him through the front door.

I sit him down on the couch and sigh "I'll make you some new breakfast as long as you promise not to chase anymore squirrels up the trees" I say sternly and trying not to laugh.

He nods and smiles "I promise I will not again chase the food steelers around ever again, little devils" he says grumpily.

I laugh and go to the fridge "all we have is bread, some cereal, milk, and some fruit" I say.

He thinks for a moment before deciding on cereal. I swear I just wanna laugh all the time when I'm around him. He's so funny.

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