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2 days before the escape


"Babe, can you please tell me where Michael is?" Simon tried acting cute but that shit ain't working on me.

"No cause you didn't believe me so now your ass can go look for him." I walked back to my truck.

"I'm sorry can you please tell me?" He begged,

"No now go fuck off." I showed him my middle finger and started the engine. Within thirty minutes I reached my destination my cousin house. "I'm here." I closed the door and heard him shout.

"Please stop! I can't cum anymore!" He shouted.

"What the fuck?"I jogged upstairs and threw open the door.

"What the hell is g- ahhhhhh my eyes a naked asshole!"I  put my hand over my eyes.

"Oh, come on you've seen a dick before." She chuckled

"I know but I don't wanna see his the fuck." I kept my eyes closed from the sight before me and felt around the room and man the smell of sex is strong.

"Why is he naked and tied up to the bed?" I question still not looking at him. I know I told her to make sure he doesn't try to escape but geez I didn't mean like this.

"Well, I was bored and I wanted to have a little fun. Shall I demonstrate?" She turned to him and showed and mischievous smirk

"No! Please, I'll tell you anything! I'll tell you where your friend is!" He cried out

"Where is she?!" I question

"Ok, you know where all the rich people live? There is a beach a little far from here maybe 7 hours? Then there are beautiful woods about 13 hours from here. They live in a rich community their house stands out the most from all the other you deadass can't miss it. Their house is two days from here. Well technically in the area they live in." He explained his eyes revealing he's telling the truth.

"But please be careful you know what Casey's father status is right?" He said.

"Yes I know he's dangerous." I sighed

Man, trying to get Reina outta there is gonna be a bitch especially with Casey's psycho ass.

"Can I keep him?" Sabrina asked with eyes lighting up.

"Sure knock yourself out. "I chuckled. "I mean I'm not complaining but how did you get him to talk?" I placed my hand on my hip.

"My sex drive is extremely high you know that and I decided I'll drain him dry plus he satisfied me so I'm good today." She chuckled

"Yeah, she made me cum 12 times." He sighed.

"We had 12 rounds." She smiled.

"Ok well, that is my cue to leave." I stood up and like a dumbass, I closed my eyes shut and I fell on someone's naked body. "Please tell me this isn't Michael." I prayed.

"Um, can you please get off my man?" She pushed me gently off.

"Ahhhhhh now I have to burn myself and my eyesight." I looked at him in horror. She just chuckled at me, this isn't even funny I'm seriously going to burn myself. Well anyway, I guess I should tell the guys where to get Reina now. I stood up."Thank you, Sabrina, for getting the information out of him." I gave her a hug while she returned it by squeezing me tightly. 

"Wait I told you everything. Aren't you going to let me free?"

"Do you want to be free?" He looked at my cousin "Well..." She looked at me. "That's my answer. Have fun." I walked away.

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