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"Hey, namjoon." I waved 

"Hey." He said emotionless.

"Hey least pretend you're happy." I chuckle.

"I'm just tired, come to my office I wanna speak with you." I walked up the stairs and I followed behind him. Man, this hallway is long as fuck! After that long ass walk, we made it to the end of the hall and went in his office. I went in first and he came right behind me shutting the door. He took a seat behind his desk. And if you didn't know any better you would think he's the president because his office is set up just like it.

"So you're alive." I sat in the seat.

"Yeah, I am. I was never dead." He chuckles. I would ask how but his expression changed showing he meant business and not small talk. "Anyway, you better keep Reina safe." He gazes into my soul literally he wasn't fuckin around. "Are you serious of course I'll keep her-" I was cut off. "And how will you do that?" His eyebrow raised in question.

"You don't even pose a threat. You are weak, childish and you are just a regular man so how do you think you can keep her safe? With your looks?" He sat there waiting for me to reply. 

"I can keep her safe don't underestimate me." I'm starting to get pissed! The nerve of this asshole thinking he's all high and fuckin mighty.

"To be honest you don't even look like someone who is even capable of taking over the mafia. I mean let's be honest here if you told someone right now that you were going to kill them they would fuckin die of laughter. And you can't protect Reina being a joke. You'll die before you even get to her." He laughs. "And don't even bother trying to testify against Casey, her father already framed every single one of the judges." He said "What?" I question "She'll probably get out soon, you know how her father is, that's his favourite child."

"And listen I'm not trying to be an asshole but with the way you are now Reina will be dead. You need to step up your game. Stop fuckin around and get serious. Start focusing more and learn how to be taken seriously. I'm telling you this now if something happens to her your humanity and common sense will be gone. You'll lose your damn mind regretting everything about how you weren't strong and smart enough to save her. You'll turn into a different person and all you will seek out is revenge." He said

"Since you are taking over your fathers business you have a conflict with others already. But when it comes to Reina best believe that I and my guys don't take that shit to lightly. She is like our family and unlike everyone else, she didn't judge us because of what we are. She didn't care about what everyone else said she still helped us through tough times. I will fuck anyone up if it means they are trying to harm her in any way. I believe you feel the same?" He looked at me. Wait she knew about them being killers? Why didn't she tell me? "I do feel the same and I will do anything if it means protecting her." Everything he said is right I can't do anything to protect her. Not with the way I am now. "Don't underestimate her either, she is someone who doesn't break easily and try fuckin with her, all hell breaks loose." He smiles

"What do you mean? Taehyung I think said something about that too." I'm curious what they're talking about they know something I don't and it's irritating the hell outta me. "If you would like to know, I suggest you ask Reina about it." He gave a sly smile "Anyway this meeting is over." He slid his chair back and left the room leaving me by myself. I sat there taking in what he said and then met him and the others downstairs. "Hey, where is Jay?" I heard Reina asking with her mouth full. "I'm right here." I smile. She swallowed whatever she was eating and hugged me. I returned her hug and kissed her on the forehead.

"Hey, namjoon during her training I could tell her speed and strength improved and I mean by a lot." He sat down on the stairs out of breath. "Ohhhh shit!" Tae yelled, "Tae shut up!" This time Reina smacked his head. "Ok well we are gonna go, thank you Jimin for training me" she gave a 90-degree bow. "Wait how is your ankle?" I examined it "it's fine, look." She kicked Tae in the side. "Y-yeah her strength I-improved a-a lot."He held his side trying to not show pain. I chuckled at his face while Reina helped him up. She waved one last time and we went home.

"Hey, I hope you don't mind but I have one more thing to do. When I'm done I'm gonna take you somewhere so take and shower and dress nice, You kind of stink." I made a disgusted face. "Oh shut up a Jay." She playfully hit me, kissed me and disappeared into the house. Once I saw her enter the house I went back to my other place.

Time skip to jay's office

"Here are the files you wanted a boss." He sat the files down on my desk. "Thank you." I looked at the namjoon's file first.

Kim namjoon

-The leader
-The clever one
-Brutal fights
-Extremely dangerous do not approach
-Killed over 4796 people
-Likes mind games

Jung Hoseok

- Playful with his victims
-Death challenges for his victims
-Kills for pleasure
-Hysterical laugh
-Collects "trophies" from his victims
-Killed over 3490 people
- Extremely dangerous do not approach

Kim seokjin

-Always wears coats
-Knows all kinds of weapons
-Known for his aim
-Tries to beat taehyungs body count
- Extremely dangerous do not approach
-Killed over 6025 people

Park Jimin

- The lock picker
-Has worked for the FBI before
-Poison doesn't affect him at all
-Breaks into buildings
-Bombs, Bazooka and twins swords are his main weapons
- Extremely dangerous do not approach
-Killed over 4697 people

Min yoongi

-Unknown assassin for other police
-Doesn't mind if people get burned from his fire
- Always has a lighter
- Gets violent quickly
- A sharp shooter
-Killed over 4930 people
- Extremely dangerous do not approach

Kim Taehyung

-Best murder
-Got the most kills
-Internationally wanted by police
-Killed over 6902 people
-He is the most dangerous never approach him

Jeon Jeongguk (Jungkook)

-Most cold hearted
-Acrobatic fighter
-Lets his victims die slowly and painfully
-Draws his victims deaths
- Extremely dangerous do not approach
-killed over 3596 people

Well damn, all these guys are crazy! Especially that taehyung guy damn he's really fuckin crazy. And Reina hangs out with them?! She is crazy, but then again Namjoon said she like a sister to them. I love that she's not judgmental and treats people the same no matter how different they are, well except Casey. But these guys are dangerous. "Thank You Dean your work." I dismissed him and gathered my things. I make my way back to babe's house

I finally was able to get on my phone without my mom saying anything 😂

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