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"Let's Go Jump her!" Ashley said as I limped into the kitchen.

"Let's not go to jail." I laughed.

"Been there Done that." She sat down as I squinted.

"You never really know a person." I tsked.

"Remember in Vegas That one stripper and the-" She stopped as soon as Simon and jay walked in the door busted up."Simon!" Ashley held Simons face as I waved.

"When did this happen?" I questioned, 

"When did what happen?" She questioned confused. I point to her wrist 

"That tattoo," I said examining the detail.

"I got it two days ago, it's a pretty rose isn't it?" She said examining it.

"I mean I guess." I shrug. She squirted water in my face and then laughed. "You're lucky I can't run or else I would have been chasing your ass right now." I laughed. 

"Let's go to the mall!" She shouted right in my ear.

"Girl, I can hear you just fine without you yelling." I smacked her upside her head. She held her head as she glared at me.

"Anyway let's take you ladies to the mall." Simon walked to the door and opened it. Just as he opened it Jimin's arm fell down. 

"Jimin!" I yelled while hopping up to him. He looked shocked but gave me a really tight hug. 

"Hey did you mi-"He stops talking and stared at my neck "What happened?! Are you ok?!" He examines my neck.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry, besides it happened three days ago" I try reassuring him "

I knew I should've brought you to me." He sighs. "But if you say your fine then I trust you." He smiles. He hugged me again and bends down and whispered in my ear "Promise you'll tell me everything?" I nodded in response. Ashely cleared her throat and we release each other.

"You know that we are still in the room right?" Ashley teases. 

"Shut up Ashely." I glare 

"Anyway let's go to the mall!" She ran out the door like a little kid. 

"Can I join I want to buy some things." Jimin asked "Of course you can come. You don't need to ask." I laugh. I turn around and hop to the kitchen to grab my phone. From the corner of my eye, I can Jay giving Jimin death glares. Jimin just ignored him and walks towards me to give me a piggyback ride. And jay followed not far behind us.

Casey's Pov

"Are you fucking ready yet," I asked annoyed 

"yes, I'm ready." My bodyguard sighed. I sit there annoyed with how long it's taking to burn that bitches house down. "Is the guy in position?" I text the other guy "yes" he texted back. I sit back in my seat satisfied with what's about to happen. The guy pretends he playing football while he's walking. The other guy throws it in Reina's backyard. "Don't worry I got it!" He shouts. He hops the fence and goes to get the ball. When I see him hop back over to the sidewalk he runs away along with the other guy. And flames appeared they were big ass flames. Man, I thought this guy was gonna disappoint me, I was wrong. "Ok I have seen enough let's bounce," I said smiling like a little girl. We drive back to my house.

Man what a day I'm so tired. I drop down on my bed and my friend shows up. "Hey Casey!" She falls on top of me 

"Get the fuck off of me." I pushed her off me 

"Man your so mean." She pouts "Anyway did you burn her house down?!" She questioned 

"Yes, I did." I smile 

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