「Chapter 86」

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It was Kyunghee's turn to size you up and down before chuckling at her own leisure. "I didn't realize that dating someone else's ex could grow you some tough balls."

You came to halt. Why was she talking about that? "What's that supposed to mean...?" But something told you that you already knew the answer.

"Did he still forget to mention that we used to date?"

"What?" Your heart felt like it had stopped for a couple of seconds before it clenched up. Tight. "Then that means you're the girl he was talking about..." your tone got real low.

"Oh, so he did tell you. Then why do you look so shocked?" she pouted with a tilt of her head. "Maybe he told you about his past relationship but made sure to leave out my name. That's fine," she shrugged.

Tighter. Your eyes took a fall from Kyunghee's gaze. 'I was right after all. After all of this, it makes perfect sense. Close friend my ass! This girl--This girl was really your ex-girlfriend all along?' All of a sudden, an annoying giggle started to fill your ears. You looked to her once again. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing really." But she was still smiling. She knew something. "It's just that, when we were hanging out together, he talked to me about you. He told me a couple of things about you."

'He talked to her about me? Why?'

"But, why is it that he hasn't even talked to you about me up until now? It just makes me wonder if you honestly think you've got as good of a relationship as you may think you do."

"Taehyung just wasn't comfortable talking about his past relationship, that's all."

"Is that really the reason why? Or is it because it was just too painful for him to think about me. Maybe after seeing me again, his little feelings for you didn't seem as strong as he thought. It was as if you didn't have much of a place in his heart as much as you thought you did."

"That's not true!"

"Then what's the truth?"

You went to speak to refute her nonsense claims, but nothing came out. Not even a sound.

--"Where's Jiyeong?" Taehyung asked, looking around for you.

"She went to show Kyunghee to the bathroom is. But, I think that was just a cover-up."

Taehyung's eyes nearly popped from his head. "How long ago was that?"

Yoongi checked the time on his phone. "Maybe 2 or 3 minutes ago."

'She's seriously still here?'

Mr. Shallow || K. TaehyungTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon