Chapter Four - Imagine All The People

Comenzar desde el principio

They stopped talking and faced me.  They gave me a sympathetic smile.  

"Umm... We were actually hoping to pair up with just each other."  Cyna replied.

What.  The expression on my face turned upside down and I tried to remain calm.

"You're kidding right?"  I gave a nervous chuckle. He he. Best friends stick together like glue right? Right?

"And, Remember class, this project is 40% of your final grade.  And this time, I won't allow 3 or more people in a group.  I think pairs would be more effective for this particular project."  Professor Blake said as he fixed his things and readied to dismiss the class.  


"If your done discussing, you may leave.  See you in two days class."  He added and waved to no one in particular.  He exited the room while some students left as well.

I heard a faint sound of a phone ringing beside me and a shuffling sound of seats being pushed back.  The classroom seemed more quiet than earlier.

I stared at the blackboard for what seems like eternity when Ruth snapped me out of my thoughts. 

"We're really so sorry Aine.  We really wanted to be a trio but Professor assigned us all with pairs to make it fair for all."  Ruth said with a sympathetic look on her face.

Cyna nodded to agree.  They got up and were ready to leave.

"It's alright.  Next time for sure will be a trio again, yeah?"  I gave a sigh and tried my best to smile.

This is why you can never be a trio.  Someone else has to be the bye and the third wheel.  But whatever.  I just need to get a good grade for the project and I'm set.

"Yeah of course."  Cyna gave me a hug followed by Ruth.  I smiled.  At least they still care right?

I got up and fixed my things as well.  The 3 of us were about to leave when I remembered the project.

"Hey wait a minute."  I said out loud.  The two girls looked at me and waited for me to continue.

"If Professor was the one who assigned the pairs, then who's my pair?"  I added.  I forgot about that.  I guess I was too busy worrying about the whole project.

I wasn't even able to discuss with my partner.  I looked around and the classroom was empty except for us 3.

Cyna gives me an uneasy look.  It made me all the more eager to know.  I hope it's not someone like Gabe.  He seems really weird.

"It's..."  Ruth began to speak.  She hesistated to answer for a second.

"...Zayn."  Cyna added.  

My heart stopped beating for about 10 seconds when I felt Ruth repeatedly tap my cheek.  "Aine! Aine!"  She shouted.


I gasped for air as my heartrate slowly goes back to normal.  I felt Cyna pat my back as they wait for me to react further.  I looked around and Zayn isn't around.  He probably left as soon as the class was over.

"But... I don't want to be his partner."  I mumbled.  Well, actually I do. More than anything.  But not in this situation.  Not when he's blackmailing me.  Oh how I just love him. Gah.

"We know love." Cyna said trying to cheer me up with a smile.

"We know you're not really the One Direction type of girl."  Ruth added.  Oh right. This closet directioner is still in effect.  I can't believe they still haven't noticed yet. Lol.  I just gave a nod of my head and a faint smile.

"Well to tell you the truth, we kind of told professor to partner Zayn with you."  Ruth said.

"WHAAAAAAT?!"  I screamed.  I felt heat rise up to my face.  How can they even think of doing something like this to a friend who doesn't even 'like' One Direction. Wink. Wink.  

But seriously, not cool.  I kept getting more and more red by the second.

"We told him that you weren't a fan.  All the girls in the class love 1D except you."  She added.  "So we assured Professor that we were perfectly sure you weren't going to harass...*cough* let alone rape Zayn." She continued and tried not to giggle.  She's probably thinking of Zayn naked again.  

Gawd. Abs.  Wait, snap out of it!  I shaked my head trying to get those thoughts out.  Must. Resist. Temptation.

But really, why don't you girls understand me?  Don't you know how much I want to grab him?!  Don't you know how many times he visits me in my sleep?!  He's raped my what used-to-be innocent mind a million times already.  Don't you get it? I want him.  So freakin bad.  You guys should know that 'cause we're supposed to be friends.  

Oh my gawd those abs.

I snapped back to reality to see the girls staring at me.


"Uhh... that was awkward.  Why would I want to rape someone who made fun of me?  I hate him already."  I said while giving a rather convincing laugh.  HA HA HA.  Very funny Aine.  We all know you want to.  Ehem.  I laughed again.  They both laughed with me.  They seemed convinced at my laugh.

Whew.  I just hope that I don't do what I'm not supposed to do when we actually do the project.



[A/N: Sorry Zayn wasn't here much.>_<  I want to write more about Aine first so you an get a good idea about what she thinks about.  I promise he's going to be in the next chapter!  This might reach about 15+ chapters so I'm sorry if i'm taking this a bit slow.  I don't want to rush things to make it seem believeable and more 'real'.  I fear if I take it too fast, it wouldn't be so convincing because I doubt people hook up that fast in real life. But then again, that could be possible too.  But I kind of want the pace like this.  Is that okay loves?>_<

Question: Should I maybe make a POV for the other characters? Like, Zayn? Or Ruth/Cyna?:) Yes? Or no?:)) Or Should I just make all the chapters in Aine's POV? ]

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