My thug baby~12

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Kacee POV

"Heem stop go to sleep." I said trying to get him from on me.
"YOU KILLING MY FUCKING MOOD DAMN KACEE!" He yelled. At this point I knew that I wasn't going to make it through the night. "Go to sleep Saaheem"I repeated.
" BITCH SHUT THE FUCK UP AND TAKE IT DAMN!"He replied slapping me.
"NO STOP!" I yelled as he was trying to slip my shorts of.
"Fuck...Shut...up!" He said as he waisted his children on my chest.
"I love you." He said laughing.
I ran into the wall on my way to the bathroom and it raged him.
"BITCH IM TRYING TO SLEEP!" He said getting up and getting his belt and that night he beat, raped and hurt me I can't do this no more!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2017 ⏰

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