My thug baby ~4

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                  Kacee POV

So I was in the Hilfiger store getting Kavion his 'draws' and this dude came up and smacked my ass like wtf.
"Wassup Shortie you miss daddy?" Asked my mamas ex.
"HELP!!!" I yelled as I called Kavion he said he was on his way.
"Shut the fuck up Kacee you know you missed me!" He yelled
"KAVION!" I yelled when I saw him walking towards me.
"Hey Cee Cee this nigga messin with you?" Kavion asked me.
"Yae this my mamas ex he um um...raped me 12 times when I was little."
"Like how fucking little?!"Kavion yelled
"Kacee fucking answer me how fucking little Kacee?"he asked again with bass in his voice.
" I....was um 5 Kavion please don't kill him because my mama really love him." I said with my head down.
"Kacee go wait in the car NOW!" Kavion yelled.
"Okay okay Kavion give me your gun." I said "Please Kavion !!" I said as handed me the glock.
      To be continued

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