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Hell has happened since Bella arrived in Forks. Long story short, she found out about the Cullens being vampires, well excluding me of course.

Edward took Bella to play baseball with the family and 3 nomadic vampires stopped by. Luckily I was at home that day, painting because one of the nomads, James, was a tracker and made sure he was going track down Bella and drain the life out of her. My family helped Bella and split up trying to protect her however she went straight to James thinking he held her mother captive.

James bit Bella's arm and Edward had to suck the venom out. Bella ended up in hospital for 'falling down a flight of stairs and out a window'. I sure laughed at that excuse. Edward then took one-legged-Bella to prom.

But that doesn't mean that the drama is ended there.


"I'm so excited. Today is Bella's Birthdaaayyyyy." I sang as I twirled in excitement.

"Yes, I can feel it radiating off of you, Zara." Jasper chuckled. "Sorry." I smiled.

I was like this because we only ever celebrate my birthday seeing that I'm the only one that actually ages. So it was nice to celebrate somebody else's birthday for a change.

"It's ready. Finally. I'll go call them down." Alice said to no one specifically. Soon Alice came down with Edward who was leading Bella down the stairs to the living room. "Sorry about all this. We tried to rein Alice in." Carlisle said to Bella.

"Like that's even possible. Happy birthday, Bella." Esme said amused. There was a sudden flash. Alice snapped a picture.

"Found it in your bag. Mind?" Alice asked Bella referring to the camera. She shook her head no. I stood next to Edward. Emmett moved to Edward's other side and nudged him.

"Dating an older woman. Hot." Emmett said with a grin.

"Emmett!" I laughed. Only he would say something like that.

Bella heard and blushed. Edward elbowed Emmett. "What?" Emmett asked innocently.

Rosalie steps up to Bella and shoved a silver package at Bella. "It's a necklace. Alice picked it out." She says bluntly. I wanted to laugh at Rose's behaviour towards Bella but I knew Edward would get mad so I didn't. Rosalie still doesn't really like Bella. Rose told me Bella is 'tolerable'. I definitely laughed when she told me that.

Alice aimed the camera at Edward and Bella,
"Show me the love!" Edward lightly pulled Bella into his embrace. "For your scrapbook. Now open your presents!" Alice demanded.

I dragged Bella over to a table piled with elaborately wrapped gifts, a huge ass cake and a stack of Esme's china plates.

"Alice, Zara and I are the only ones who can even eat cake. This cake could feed fifty.'' Bella said looking at the huge cake Alice chose for Bella. "Hope you're hungry then." I joked.

"Here, this one's from Emmett." I said handing the one from Emmett.

The others crowd around but jasper somewhat away. Bella shakes the box and it seems to be empty. I turn around and give Emmett a questioning look.

"Um... thanks Emmett?"

"Already installed it in your truck." Emmett responded.

"Finally, a decent sound system in that piece of-" I said but was cut off by Bella.

"No hating on the truck." She joked, "and thank you, Emmett."

"Mine next." I sang.

Alice then handed Bella a small box. I got a gold bracelet that had her name craved into it. She hugged and thanked me.

"Open mine." Alice hands her a box. Bella starts to open it. "Ouch, paper cut." Bella said studying her finger.

A single drop of deep red blood appears. Panick washed over me​ as I realized that Jasper isn't fully accustomed to Bella's scent like he is to mine.

Jasper lunged towards Bella who I was standing next to. Edward then flings both Bella and I behind him, causing us to crash into the table and break to glass. I was in a puddle of my own blood. Bella was cut on her arm and I had a long, deep cut on my leg snd a few cuts her and there.

Jasper slammed into Edward and Edward pushed him back hard. Jasper flew backward, hitting the piano. Emmett and Carlisle tackled Jasper from the side, dragging him to the ground. Alice sped towards him and helped calm him down.

"Jaz... shhh. It's just a small cut-" Alice says soothingly​ but she stops, her head suddenly turned towards Bella and I. Then everybody's eyes snapped in mine and Bella's direction as they catch the overwhelming scent of our blood.

For the first time ever, I was scared of being in a room full of vampires.

Carlisle jumps to my side but I push him away. "Go help Bella first. I'm fine." I say to Carlisle. I hid the pain and fear. Edward looked as white as a ghost. He snapped out of his trance and stood between Bella and the others.

"Emmett, get Jasper out of here." Carlisle said.

Emmett reins himself in and lightly elbows Rosalie. They drag Jasper out. Esme holds her nose, politely excuses herself  and exits with the others. Alice looks at me apologetically. "I'm sorry, I can't-" She slipped away to the others.

I wasn't upset about what happened. I knew how difficult this must've been for my siblings and I couldn't blame them, not even Jasper.

Edward was still on guard as Carlisle examined Bella's arm. "I'll have to stitch you up." After he examined my leg, he agreed that he needed to do the same for me. Just great.

"I'll carry them to the kitchen." He moves to pick Bella up, but his eyes dart to the blood. Carlisle noticed, "I'll take care of them, Edward." Carlisle said but he didn't move.

"Check on Jasper, Eddie." I said to Edward calmly, even though inside, all I was feeling was pain. I looked at Edward and realized that he can still read minds. Shit. Why do I always seem to forget that.

"Sorry. I need fresh air." Edward said.

I laughed at Edward's choice of words since vampires don't really breathe but I guess he needed to get away from the scent of blood.
Eddie, its okay. We'll be fine. I thought aloud to him.

Carlisle stitched me up and gave me meds. The medication made me drowsy so I went to bed not long after taking it. As I laid down in my comfortable bed, I slowly started to lose conscious, allowing my body to rest.

And the drama begins again.

Zara Cullen Where stories live. Discover now