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The next morning before school, my siblings and I were standing at our cars in the parking lot.

"Hey, do you guys think I can fit a entire bag of marshmallows in my mouth and still look cute?" I asked my siblings as I sat on the hood of Alice's car and opened a packet of marshmallows.

"One, ew that is gross and two, no you won't look cute because that is unladylike." Rose rolled her eyes.

"Okay now that you said that Rose I feel like its now a challenge to do it but in a ladylike manner aaaand look cute." I playfully squinted my eyes at her.

"I bet even I could look cute doing it." Emmett said while staring off into the oblivion.

"And I bet that I could put more marshmallows in my mouth than you." I challenged him. Rose and Alice sighed knowing what happens when Emmett and I challenge each other.

"Oh yeah? Game on. I bet 50 bucks." Emmett jumped forward and lifted up his hand to shake.

"Oh please you don't even eat food. You'd loose anyways."

"I'm just stuffing my mouth, who said anything about swallowing?" Emmett chuffed.

"Yeah true, I never swallow." I thought out loud as I opened the packet of marshmallows. Suddenly I felt someone hit me on the back of head. "Wha- Hey! I was just kidding Rose." I turned to her.

"Yea Rose. Don't make a big fuss. She said she doesn't swallow, but I know you do." Emmett winked at Rose.

"Emmett!" We all groaned in usion.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Bella staring in our direction in confusion. She was probably wondering where Edward was. Maybe she planned on confronting him about yesterday.
I know damn well if I was her, I would. Edward told me that the front desk lady happened to tell him that he can't drop Biology as Bella walked into the front office. Yikesss, that must've awkward.

Later that day, Bella walked into science class and stared at Edward's seat and sighed in what seemed like annoyance.

Over the next couple of days, Bella was seemed curious about what happened to Edward. If only she knew it was her that made him go away. I tried my best to avoid her in case she asked anything. That's if she actually  approached me, a Cullen, first.

People at school don't really try and talk to us. I think it's mostly because we keep to ourselves. I've heard that I'm the most approachable yet people are still too nervous to talk to me. Rose says it's best to stay 'on the low' anyways. Less of a chance to expose ourselves which is understandable I guess. It's a bit harder for me because I'm a normal human teenager, that's supposed to be living a normal human life that involves other human interactions with people that's outside of my family. But you can't have everything I suppose.


I looked out the window of my biology class. The weather was cold and gloomy. I see my brother shuffle at his desk. He's finally back at school after "calming down".

You know she's gonna be here, right? I thought aloud to him. "Yes, obviously I know that." He softly said back.

"And she's gonna proba-" I was about to say something else but I saw Edward wasn't paying any attention because Bella walked into the classroom. "Ok I guess I'll shut up now."

For a split second, Bella looked shocked to see Edward here. I mean I would be too after him not being at school for several days without an explanation. I silently watched the two of them from behind, as unstalkerly as possible.

It seemed like Edward finally built up the courage to speak to her. "Hello." He paused and she turned to him, "I'm sorry, I didn't get a chance to introduce myself last week. I'm Edward Cullen. You're Bella?" She simply nodded and said,



"So....how did it go?" I asked my brother as he stormed in my direction. Him and Bella spoke throughout Biology and after class.

"Fine, I guess. It was a bad idea though. Let's just go to the others outside." He said emotionlessly. I decided to not push him, he will speak to me if he wants to but you can be sure as hell I was damn curious to know what happened.

I was standing by next to Edward by his Volvo while he was staring at Bella across the school parking lot. She would give glances now and again. Lord help these two creeps.

Suddenly I heard hoots coming from a van. I whipped my head and saw a van had lost  control and was heading straight towards Bella. I turned towards Edward but he wasn't next to me anymore.

I then looked back and saw the black van stop right by Bella's truck. My siblings and I knew Edward stopped the van as we all glanced at each other. Next thing I saw was in fact Edward jumping off Bella's truck and walking away.

Everyone ran towards Bella to see if she was okay. I wanted to check too but knew my siblings wouldn't agree. We closed our umbrellas and hopped into our cars.

I knew then and there that the small, fragile clumsy girl named Isabella Swan, will change our lives forever.


(A/N: Uhm hi loves. I just wanted to clarify that I'm skipping to New Moon because.....*insert reasonable excuse besides the fact that I'm lazy* Yea so don't mind the big time jump lol. It'll be worth it. Thank you <3 )

Zara Cullen Where stories live. Discover now