Switching back

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Mal was bored. That was for sure. Jay had gone on a Tourney trip, and she couldn't go with. In the past 2 months, she had gained her perfect grammer back, her natural agility and fastness, and her talent to sense whatever Jay wanted from a place, for instance from a cafe, coffee. 

Mal was laying on Jay's bed on her back, her arms stretched out, as well as her legs, in a splits pose. She had learned from Carlos how to do it, and she didn't love anything more now than gymnastics. 

She had no choice, she sang. No one was on Auradon Prep grounds except for Belle and Beast, and they right now hated her, for changing Ben into what he was now;a worry freak. It wasn't Mal's fault. It was Malificent's. 

Malificent had cursed Mal to de age, so she could get away with anything. She wanted the wand stolen again, and to get out of her cage. It didn't work, all thanks to Jay. Mal fell asleep later, at 9 o clock. 

She changed into her pjs long before Jay and Carlos had left. She fell asleep, and was dreaming of her life, but she was seeing something else. She felt arms lift her up, and then set her back down again. 

She could tell it was Jay. She was propped up against Jay that night. He was laying down, and she was leaned back against him, her head on his chest. She heard him mutter, "I love you Dragon." and he kissed her head. 

The spell wore off. Mal was back to normal, just like that. Mal shreiked as she fell off Jay's bed, since she was taller than Jay had set her to, since she was only like 2 feet tall. Now she was 3 feet taller. 

She sat up on the floor, and rubbed the back of her head. Jay was staring at her in shock from on his bed. "Jay?" Mal asked. She suddenly remembered everything. Everything that happened when she was 3. 

Jay had jumped off his bed, and was embracing Mal in a hug, and was squeezing the air out of her. She hugged back, and she was actually crying now. She was so happy to be back with her friends. 

"Jay, I can't breath." She said, and Jay releashed some of his grip from their hug. Carlos jolted awake from hearing Mal's voice. "Mal? MAL!" Carlos screamed and joined in on their hug. Mal was tackled to the floor, and she shrieked as it happened. 

They were all sitting now, and then Evie rushed in with Ben. "We heard screaming! What's wrong?" Evie yelled. She screamed louder than ever, and crashed onto Mal, Jay, and Carlos's hug. "MALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Evie screamed as her three best friends hugged the life out of her. 

"Mal? You're back." Ben said. No one else knew, but Audrey and him, had secretly started going out together, because Ben and Audrey both knew that Mini Mal hated them, and it didn't look like she was going to be back anytime soon. 

"Yes. It would appear so." Evie had stood up, and was standing next to Ben again. She knew that Ben and Audrey were secretly dating. She knew how Mal would react right now. She just could hear Mal's screams of pain and anger. 

Ben cleared his throat. The two boys that were still hugging Mal, stood up, which made Mal's arms fall. Jay held out a hand to Mal, and he pulled her up. Mal hugged Ben, and Ben looked at Mal's three friends. Evie's eyes held sadness. Carlos's happiness. Jay's hatred and anger. 

Jay turned away, and was clenching his fists together so hard, his knuckles were turning a dark shade of purple. Mal stopped hugging Ben, and Jay relaxed some. Mal noticed, and she laid a hand on Jay's hand. 

She looked at him and very calmly said, "Take it easy(My best male friend says that all the time, I thought it was appropiate) Jay. Everything's going to be fine." Jay relaxed complety. Ben glared at them. 

He had fallen in love with Audrey, and Mal was left behind. He still didn't know why he was feeling this way. He didn't love Mal anymore, but he couldn't stand the sight of Mal and Jay together, if that's what you would call it. 

"Mal. Come here please." Ben said, motioning for her to come forward. Mal looked at Jay, and reluctantly walked over to Ben. Ben rolled his eyes, motionless. "Yes Ben?" Mal asked. 

"Do you love me Mal?" Ben asked out of the blue. He wanted to know. "What?" Mal asked. "I said, do you love me Mal?" Ben asked again. Mal was silent for some time, then she answered him. 

"Ben, I can't say that I do. You haven't been there for me at all, when I was a tragic, sassy 3 year old. You weren't there. Don't deny it. My best friends were there for me, and even when I hated them at first, I made peace with Carlos and Evie." 

"Mal I-" "Don't even Ben. I know you're cheating on me." "Wha, how?" "Evie." "When?" "When she almost knocked me unconsious when she hugged me." "EVIE!" Ben yelled. "I can't lie to my friends Ben!" Evie argued back. 

"Touche Evie." Ben agreed. "Wait, then who do you love, or if you do love anybody at all?" Ben asked. "Well, I guess it's been very, very, VERY, hidden, but I'm in love with Jay. I know it sounds corney, but you know what, I've missed him. How everyday he made me laugh, how we stole things, how we always stood up for each other, everything. None of that happened here, only on the Isle. And he's just proved my point even more." 

"So that mean?" Ben asked. "I love Jay. And nothing's going to change it. I haven't stopped since the day I was drawn in." 

(Descendants)Friends are like familyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat