old ways

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Vid dedicated to Descendantsravenclaw!

"Yes, Dragon. Why?" "Because I did it." "Did what?" "Ruin da dorms. Momma was talking to me, and she told me it was okay." Jay dropped his school books, and they fell on his foot. "Did you say, your mom was talking to you?" 

"Yeah. In my head." She said pointing at her head. He thought for a moment, and said, "Dragon, come on. I know someone who may be able to help." Mal jumped off the bed, and followed Jay down to Fairy Godmother's office. 

Jay knocked on the door, and Fairy Godmother opened it. She ushered them in and Jay set Mal down on a chair. "What's the problem Jay dear?" Fairy Godmother asked. "Would you happen to know to get rid of a voice in your head?" 

"Of course. But why? Is someone speaking to you through your brain or mental telepathy?" "You lost me at the but why part. It's not me that has a voice in their head. It's Mal. Her mom told her to do something bad and told her it was good." 

"Oh. I see. Okay. Are you sure she has a problem with this?" She asked. Jay looked at Mal. Mal's eyes were glowing a bright green, like this:

 Mal's eyes were glowing a bright green, like this:

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"MAL!" Jay yelled. Mal's eyes changed back to normal, "What?" She asked startled. "That's proof enough." Fairy Godmother said. She said a magic phrase, and Mal curled up on the chair, and fell asleep.

"Thanks FG." "No prob Jay!" (I COULDN'T RESIST!) Jay picked Mini Mal up, and carried her back to her bed in his room. He opened the door, and he saw Carlos and Evie inside, and they, were, KISSING?

Jay almost dropped Mal, even though she was like only 5 pounds. "WOAH!" Jay said, and Carlos and Evie jerked apart. "What have you two kids been up to?" he asked with a sassy tone. For added effect, he popped his hip out to the side. 

Evie blushed, but Carlos was already a tomato. "What are you doing here?" "Excuse me?" "Jay, I asked why your here." "I live here Carlos. Remember? I sleep in that bed, that sits across from yours. Is it all coming back to you now?" 

"JAY!" Evie screams. She doesn't see that Mal's in his arms, and she shoves him. "Hey, watch it! Little kid alert!" Evie jerked back, now aware of Mal. Jay layed Mal down on her bed. "What about Doug and Jane?" Jay asked. 

"We ditched them." Carlos said, gripping Evie's hand. Jay sighed. He was sick of it. He was. Everywhere he went, he was surrounded by either heartbreak, or love. The girl he loved, was in love with someone else, and she was 3. 

He slammed down his books that he picked up on the desk. Evie and Carlos flinched. He walked toward the door angrily. "Where are you going?" "Out." "Where?" "Why do you care?" "Jay, where are you going?" "I SAID OUT!" He yelled. 

He stormed out and slammed the door. He was frusterated. He was. He couldn't get over it. Mal and Jay had a big history back on the Isle. Everyone thought they were just in a gang together. Well everyone was wrong. 

They were dating, and they both loved it, even though they didn't know what love felt like. When they went to Auradon, Mal said she wanted to meet somebody knew, just to see if she liked the people here. She promised that she would come back to him. 

She lied. Or she just didn't plan on it, but she fell in love with Ben, and that left Jay alone, and he was mad at first. They just pushed it behind them, but it was a big piece missing out of their relasonship. 

Jay stormed out to the Tourney Fields, and stormed and stomped up the stairs to the top. He started screaming and burning off his anger. An hour later, he stomped and made as much noise as he could, which was easy for him. 

He glared at everyone he passed. He didn't care what they thought. The only thing he ever wanted, was to have his Mal back. He hated Ben for this reason. Ben was a theif. A bigger theif than Jay was, because he stole Mal's heart, and never gave it back. 

He sat down on his bed, and saw Mal on the balcony, and was watching everyone walk by hand in hand. She sighed, and came back inside. She picked up a book, and threw it back on the ground. 

Jay knew he caused this. When he and Mal were kids, they shared an emotion link. Whenever one of them was angry, it caused the other to be anger, until the person that started it, was done. 

They still had that emotion link apparently. Whenever Mal was angry, he knew to stay away, but the stupid emotion link was working it's magic, and it triggered Jay to get more angry. Apparently Mal was angry too, and Jay knew of another way to calm both of them down, but Jay hadn't done that in a while. 

Evie and Carlos were over in a corner giggling. No one still knew that Jay was in the room. "Carwos? Pincess Booberry? Can you pay wif me?" Mal asked. She got no answer. She asked 10 more times, but she was ignored. 

Mini Mal frowned, and Jay glared at Evie and Carlos. He needed to get Mal changed back, and he needed to more importantly get Mal herself back. Jay slammed the door closed, so they knew he was there. 

"Mal?" Jay asked. Mal looked up startled. He never called her Mal unless it was serious. Mal ran over to him and clinged to his leg. "Jay-Jay! I bored! Peas pay wif me! I have some stuffed animals you can pay wif!" 

Jay laughed, walked very slowly over to his bed. Mal climbed up next to him, and collasped on him, her back on his chest, which meant Jay was pinned against his bed. Jay didn't even care anymore. 

He just fell asleep, and so did Mal. Mal shifted in the night, and she ended up turning over, and moving up so her head was in his neck. She was scared, because the spell was making her be paronid. She didn't know what was happening, until it happened. 

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