Magic overnight

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(IMAGE-3 yr old Mal, in my mind, could like this, except with darker hair&different clothes)

The next morning, a 3 year old girl with purple hair, snuck out of her bedroom, and into Jay and Carlos's room. She saw Jay, and climbed on his bed. She started jumping and yelling, "Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up!" Jay opened his eyes and saw the little girl. 

He sat up and said,"Mal?" Mal nodded. "How old are you?" "free years old." She continued to jump on his bed, and Jay got up and picked Mal up with one arm. She giggled and Jay shook Carlos awake. "Mal, do you know who I am?" Jay asked. "You're Jay." Mal said while gently tugging on his hair. "Mal, do you know who this is?"Jay asked pointing at a now awake Carlos. "No!"Mal shrieked and  climbed up on Jay's shoulders and hid behind his head. 

Carlos saw the purple haired 3 year old. "Jay, is that Mal?" "Yes. She's 3. Can you go get Fairy Godmother and meet me in Evie's room?" "Sure." Carlos ran out of the room, and Jay went down to Evie's room. He set Mal on her bed, and she started jumping up and down. 

Jay shook Evie awake, and when Evie woke up, and stood up, Mal screamed, and ran to Jay. Jay picked Mal up, and she pointed at Evie and said, "It's Evil Queen! She's going to poisen me wif an apple!" "Mal, it's okay. This is her daughter Evie." Jay said. Mal glared at Evie, "Pincess Booberry!" Jay sat down on Mal's bed, and Mal sat  down in his lap. 

"Jay, what happened to Mal?" "I don't know, but she doesn't regonize anyone but me. Carlos is getting Fairy Godmother." Fairy Godmother came in with Carlos. She looked at Mal. "Mal will return to normal, if we can get an antidote. Which will take a long time. 10 months minimum. She will age to, from her old self so she will be 17 when she returns like the rest of  you. I'll work on it. Ben's coming over, so please try to work something out." She left and Ben ran in. He ran over to Mal and picked her up off Jay's lap. Mal looked at Ben, and screamed her guts out. 

Ben looked scared. Jay got up and Mal reached for him. Jay took her and she immediatly stopped screaming. Ben looked hurt. "Ben, don't take it personal. She only remembers me. I was the only one on the Isle that cared for her at this age." Jay said. Ben frowned. He knew about young Mal because of Fairy Godmother and Carlos. Jay handed Mal a comb, and she jumped offher bed, and started combing her hair.

She followed Jay back to his room, where he turned on a video game for Mal in a corner. Jay changed and Audrey came in. Jay was dating Audrey, and she walked in whenever. "Hey Jay-Jay!" Audrey said. Mal heard, and decided to spy on them. Mal snuck behind Jay's dresser, where she got a good view. "Jay, can we go on a date tomorrow? I hardly saw you since last week."

"Of course Audrey! Where?" "Picnic grounds at 4." Audrey went  in for a kiss, and Mal ran out, yelling,"WOAH BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"(anybody know what tv show that  line was from)Jay glared at Mal. "Come here you rascal!" Jay yelled and chased her down to breakfast. 

Mal sat down and grabbed a biscuit. She looked at it suspiciously. "What is this?" "That's a biscuit Mal. It's better than Isle food." "We're not on the Isle?" "No. We're in Auradon." "Okay. At weast there's better food here."Mal said biting into her biscuit. Jay ate too, and he saw Ben being comforted by Evie across the way. Mal ate 2 more, and a donut. 

She started putting some fruit in her pockets, when Jay stopped her. "Mal, you don't have to take any food or eat so much here." Putting the fruit back. "But, Jay-Jay if I don't, momma will be mad." "Mal, your mom isn't here. We get 3 meals each day." Mal's eyes lit up. "So, I don't have to take food wif me?" "No." "What are we going to do today?" "How about video games?" "Yeah!"

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