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Jay woke up the next morning, and Mal had wrapped her arms around Jay's neck, but not tight enough to choke him. It was like a wierd neck hug. Mal woke up, and she sat up. Jay sat up too fast, and Mal squealed as she fell off him onto the floor. 

Jay picked her up, and said, "Hey, let's surprise Carlos, shall we?" "Yeah!" Mal whisper screamed. Jay held her, and he threw her onto Carlos's bed. She started jumping up and down, and Jay whisked her out of Carlos's bed. 

"Mal, go change clothes please. Right now." He said. "Okay." Mal said. Jay set her down, and Mal ran over to her box, and grabbed an outfit. She skipped into the bathroom, and shut and locked the door. 

Evie sat up from Carlos's bed. She gasped when she saw Jay glareing at her. She blushed, and Carlos stood up from on the floor, on the other side of his bed. Jay let out a sigh of relief. "Are you two stupid? Mal's three! What if she saw!?" Evie looked down, and Carlos glared back at Jay. 

"Dude, what's your problem. It's like someone put red ants on you or something. You seem uptight." Carlos said angry. He was tired of Jay butting in on them all the time. "That's not it at all!" Jay yelled back. 

"Guys, stop fighting!" Evie said now standing up on Carlos's bed. "Then what is it Jay? You're acting like a dad I've never had!" Carlos yelled. "No I'm not!" Jay yelled back. They continued yelling at each other, until Carlos yelled, "Jay! STAY OUT OF MY LIFE!" Jay drew back. 

"Fine." Jay said, and walked out the door, slamming it behind him. Carlos realized what he said. "Evie, did I just say what I think I said?" He asked. "I'm afraid you did." Evie said hugging Carlos tightly. Carlos hugged her back.

"Why do you think he's so angry all of a sudden?" Carlos asked. "I don't know. Something must be frusterating him. Wait, do you think Mal would know?" Evie said. "Yeah. She would. MAL!!" Evie called. 

No answer came back to them. Evie looked at Carlos worriedly. "Um, Carlos, where's Mal?" She asked. "I was about to ask you the same thing." Carlos said. They exchanged another worried glance. 

They ran around Carlos's room screaming Mal's name, and searching everywhere. They had been too busy wrapped up in each other, they hadn't noticed that Mal had ran out of the room after Jay. 

The bathroom door was wide open, and Mal had tried to write a note as best as she could. She had screamed in frustration too, twice, because of the emotion link, but they still didn't notice. Mal had ran after Jay, but she tripped and fell twice because of her short legs, trying to match Jay's stride. 

Mal eventually caught up to Jay, after he had stopped and sat down under a tree outside Auradon Prep. Mal wasn't tired, but she sat down on Jay's legs facing him, her wide eyes filled with worry. 

Jay looked at Mal, and blinked hard. "Mal? What are you doing here?" "Why does everybody ask dat?" She asked. Jay shrugged. "Okay, well, how about, why did you follow me?" "You are my sole care povider." She said. 

Jay laughed. "I didn't know you know the word provider." "I didn't either." She said. "Hey, how come your talking in correct grammer?" "What's grammer?" Mal asked. Jay was shocked. Maybe he thought, their emotion link was bringing her back, or maybe, she was just changing back, but it hadn't even been 10 months yet. 

Jay was puzzled. By the time Evie and Carlos came and found them, Mal was speaking perfectly. She didn't know why, and neither did Jay. Jay told Carlos and Evie, and Mal's wide green eyes just remained green. 

Jay suddenly remembered. Fairy Godmother's spell. That must what have been weakening Mal's aging curse. He decided to read up on it. Mal refused to stay with Carlos and Evie, and she scampered with him to the library. 

Jay sighed, looking at the top shelf, which was 3 times the size of him. The book he needed was on that shelf. "UH!" "What's wrong Jay-Jay? Need a book all the way up there?" "Yes, but I don't know how to get it down fr-" Jay didn't even get time to finish his sentence, because Mal was already halfway up the bookshelf climbing really fast. 

She scampered back down the shelves, and handed Jay the book he needed. "How did you know I needed this one?" "I just knew." Jay sat down, and Mal sat down next to him, and started reading War and Peace. 

"Dragon since when can you read?" "I don't know. I just can." Jay was convinced the curse was getting reversed. Jay read the entire book, and he was now 210% sure that the spell that Fairy Godmother casted on Mal to get rid of her mother's voice, was going away. 

The spell Fairy Godmother had casted, was washing away the aging curse, because it had revealed that Malificent had casted this on Mal, and was mind controllering her. Jay hoped this meant that Mal would soon come back to him. 

Those thoughts, are what helped him fall asleep everynight, until................

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