Hana settled comfortably in her seat even as a little burst of excitement rose in her chest from being in a new country. She loved travelling, and she couldn't wait to see what St Petersburg had in store for her.

'Welcome to Russia,' Leon murmured under his breath when he took the seat beside her. Then he shut his eyes.

Hana turned her face to the windows, watching silently as the car sped past buildings in an eclectic mix of Art Nouveau and Soviet architecture, street signs in a language she could not yet read, and passersby in stylish coats, hurrying about their day.

A light drizzle was picking up outside. Drops of rain trailed down the window and she watched, enthralled, as the droplets chased each other. She was tired, but a sense of excitement from being in a new city kept her awake long enough to notice the colourful domes in the distance. If Leon wasn't too busy maybe she would ask him to take her there.


'Hey.' There was an urgent poking on her shoulder. She shifted away. She was having such a nice sleep.

'Hey,' came the voice again.

She grunted. She was finally able to sleep. Who was disturbing her?

'Wake up.'

She jolted up with a yelp, her hands flying. At the same time, there was an exclaim beside her and she turned to see Leon holding a hand to his nose.

'What?' she blurted, looking hastily about her. The car had stopped.

'We're here,' was his muffled response.

'What's wrong?' she asked, finally taking in the sharp glance he had shot at her.

'You hit my face.'

'Oh! I'm sorry!'

The passenger-side door was opened by a greying man in stern-black with a grey waistcoat showing under his dinner jacket. She thanked him with a smile when she alighted a foot on the cobblestone driveway, but the smile turned into a deep breath, and deep breath got caught in her throat as she took in the impressive grey-stone building before her.

A cheerful bubbling was coming from behind her, and she turned about to gape at the granite statue of a boy in foreign clothes, with a bird perched on his shoulder. The wings of the bird were spread out as if it would take flight, and in its curved beak was what seemed to be a piece of fruit. By the boy's feet was a wolf on its hind legs, about to leap off its pedestal. Clear water spewed out around the statues and into a basin made of stone.

Then she turned and followed Leon up the three marble steps to the front entrance. They were faced with two large oak doors that bore carvings of fruits and animals, with golden knockers affixed to them. The man opened the door for them, then said with an incline of his head, 'Young Master, Madam, welcome home.'

'Thanks, Sergei. We'll show ourselves up.'

With another bow, the butler disappeared into a panel in the entrance hall, taking their bags with them.

She looked about the domed room with interest. The walls were covered in wallpaper in a shade of cream with veins of silver showing through. Panelled mirrors stood at intervals, throwing her into a dizzy kaleidoscope of too many Leon's and herself side by side. By each slice of wall were tall and thin wooden display stands that bore an array of decorative items; pottery, busts, an animal's skull were what she had identified with a quick glance.

A chandelier hung above them, and she cast her gaze up to admire the white clouds painted on pale blue ceiling. The royal blue carpet was plush beneath her feet and she had the impression of stepping on air as Leon showed her through the other end of the room and into a foyer.

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