Chapter 1

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I close my locker with a soundly slam. The long line of orange lockers vibrates with the force. I huff out a breath, holding the damned paper in my hand. I crumble it in my hands angrily, throwing it towards my feet.

I rest my head on the door, trying my best not to scream. I punch the locker beside mine with tremendous strength. The painful sting on my bruising knuckles didn't deter me, so I hit it repeatedly.

I know people were staring at me right now, but I don't give a shit. Let them stare; not like they'd do anything to stop me. I halt my assault on the metallic door when I notice the grand dent, accompanying it is a split in the metal.

I look around; various gasps and eyes were pointed towards me.

-The fuck ya looking at?! Mind your fucking business!

They slowly disperse, leaving me with my bloody, beaten hand. I pull my backpack over one shoulder, and snatch the God forsaken paper off of the dirty, white tile floor.

The tardy bell sounds by my head and I groan. The majority of the hall was already in their respective classes. I begin down the hall towards the stairs when a booming, British voice halts me.

-Miss Cabello, my office, now.

He spoke calmly, since, what's the point in yelling this fucking early? I roll my eyes, turning around and connecting my hands together in my hoodie pocket, wincing slightly at the discomfort.

Principal Cowell crooks his finger, motioning me to follow him. I drag my Converse clad feet behind him through the corridors.

His office wasn't very far, and we were there in about thirty seconds. On the way in, I see my friend, Lauren Jauregui, sitting outside of his office. I give her a small smile and take my unhurt hand from my hoodie.

-'Sup, Jauregui?- I say, fist bumping her.


Principal Cowell sighs when he sees her. Opening his office door and ushering us in. Lauren steps in before me and I close the wooden door behind me.

We take seats in front of his big mahogany desk as he rubs his temples. He takes a seat and looks between us both.

-Miss Jauregui, why are you here?

Lauren smirks and glances at me.

-You know that tall girl? Blonde hair? Thick thighs? Kinda looks like Beyonce?

I nod and she laughs, holding her hand out. I join her, already knowing what she's saying. I reach over the armrest with my left hand. I take her hand and we do our secret handshake. Cowell looks at us, thick, graying eyebrows furrowed.

-Are you referring to Miss Hansen?

Lauren nods with an amused grin. I laugh again, knowing it would be Lauren to do that.

-What about her?

-Ms. Lovato caught us in the band room.- she shrugs, picking with the loose threads on her ripped jeans. I laugh harder, putting a fist to my mouth. I nudge her and she raises her eyebrows with a smirk.

Cowell put his face in his hands with a deep sigh. We wear this man out so much it's actually funny.

She looks over at me and her emerald eyes widen.

-Damn, Cabello! Who you beat up this time?

I scratch the back of my head.


She nods in understanding after a while. She was about to say something else, but Cowell interrupts her. -So, you were caught fraternizing with another student?

Ethereal (C.C./You)Where stories live. Discover now