Running Away... Wait, Who Are You?

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Also only brotherly love between Mikey and Ghostie.


          Ghostface wasn't sure how long he had been traveling, but he knew he hadn't gone too far. He mainly just darted through his shadows to gain a distance from the motel, then continued on walking through the town. He was still rather low on energy, even though he was healed. 

          Plus, he had a feeling Freddy wouldn't be looking for him.

          He didn't even glance at the people around him as he walked by, though quite a few looked slightly worried for him. The spirit was constantly wiping tears from his eyes as he tried to block out his emotions. Although, the more he tried to ignore them, the stronger they got. Soon enough, the spirit's breath was coming out in tiny, hitched sobs. 

          There's crying for attention- with loud wails, screaming, carrying on and such. Then there's the quiet crying- the one where the emotion builds up, creating pressure on your chest and stirring your stomach, when you just want everything to pause so you can have a minute and just breathe. Ghostface's crying was the latter of the two.

          The spirit eventually gathered himself enough to have the sense to wander into a bar and get an entire big bottle of the most alcoholic beverage in there.

          And he chugged it.

          No regrets.

          Maybe getting shitfaced would help dull out the emotions he was feeling.

          His eyes were noticeably red and puffy, a tear or two still escaping every few moments. The spirit couldn't care less about the other people in the bar staring. He simply glared and told them all to fuck off, which said people respected.

          Except for one person, anyway.

          They were much taller than the spirit, though a lot of people were. 5'6" isn't exactly tough to beat. The male had brown hair, and hazel-ish eyes. Though they were more of a blueish-hazel than a greenish-Freddy-hazel, if that makes sense. Wearing a rather simple blue mechanic's suit with some suspiciously dark red stains, the bigger male sat next to Ghostface, though it was clear they weren't trying to intrude.

          "Are you alright?" Their voice was a bit lighter than the spirit's own, though not by much. It was rougher though, like it wasn't used often.

          "Did you not hear the 'fuck off' the first time?" Ghostface hissed quietly, eyes glowing crimson.

          "I'll take that as a no, then." The other smiled slightly, but it was sad, and didn't quite reach his eyes. A quiet grumble from the slowly-but-surely-getting-drunk-spirit was the only response he got.

          "My name's Michael. Michael Myers." He spoke quieter, glancing around. Michael would prefer not to deal with police if he could help it. But at the same time, he could at least tell this guy his name. That way, if he knew already or found out who Michael was later, the dude would have quite the story to tell.

          "Oh yeah, I've heard about you." Ghostface found it oddly comforting to be talking to someone who wasn't entirely human. He was tipsy at this point, so he missed the way Michael flinched a little.

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