Part 26

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Harry's POV

It had been weeks since the accident and although Charlie was healing nicely there was still no signs of her waking up. I started to lose hope every day and the only thing that kept me going was seeing our baby girl getting stronger and becoming more awake. The doctor said I could finally hold her and take her out of that stupid box, which made me happy but also sad at the same time. Charlie should have been the first to hold her... She should have had a normal birth and held our baby girl after doing all the work.

I watched as the doctor carefully brought Rosie over to me and set her in my arms, now free of tubes and wires. She squirmed a little and fussed at first, but I gently rocked her which seemed to calm her down quite a bit. She was so tiny in my arms and I almost felt like I was going to crush her, but she had a strong grip on my finger which helped remind me that she was going to be okay.

"Hi princess. It feels good to get out of that box doesn't it?" I said to her as I kissed her nose, smiling softly as the corner of her mouth twitched up in a smile.

She was so precious and I knew that no matter what happened I would always be there for her and protect her. I would give my life for her, just like I would for Charlie. I still felt guilty about that night. I felt like I should have insisted on driving her or even told her not to go at all. There was so much that could have been done differently, but I was beginning to realize that no matter what I thought or wished would have happened it wouldn't change how things are now.

"What do you say, kiddo. Want to go see mummy?" I asked her as I carried her to the ICU where Charlie still laid in her bed.

Charlie had a bit more color in her face today, but at this point I gave up feeling hopeful over slight things like that after being told many times that there was still no change in her brain activity despite how much I had seen from her the past week. I saw her eyes twitch and her fingers a couple times, but the doctor said it was normal and would happen every once in a while. I sighed softly and walked over to gently sit beside her on the bed.

"Rosie's here, baby. I finally got to hold her. She's so tiny. The doctor said I can take her home, but I don't want to leave just yet so we're going to move into your room for a little while. I think she wants her mummy." I said, tearing up a little as I gently placed Rosie on her chest so their cheeks were together.

I watched as our daughter seemed to snuggle closer to her, feeling my heart breaking as I wished she could just wake up and see how much our baby girl needed her. Rosie shifted a bit and let out a soft whimper. As I took her back I noticed that Charlie's finger twitched again, but I ignored it and got a bottle ready for Rosie so she could eat. I sat in the chair beside Charlie's bed and fed her, watching as she ate contently. After burping her she fell asleep on my shoulder and I took the chance to get some sleep as well, gently shifting her down so she was snuggled into my chest as I dozed off a little.

That became the routine for a few more days. I would put Rosie by Charlie for a while so she could be close to her mother and at least feel what it was like. I fed and changed her, playing with her from time to time. Eventually her parents came back and I was humming softly to Rosie as I walked around the room with her, frowning when I saw the looks on their faces.

"Harry... We think it's time..." Her mother said to me.

I stopped moving and shook my head.

"No... She needs more time. She's going to pull through." I argued.

"Harry, it's been almost a month. There have been no changes in her brain activity and I know she wouldn't want to be stuck like this for the rest of her life. It's no way to live." James said.

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