Part 22

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Charlie's POV

I smiled as we pulled onto the familiar street, seeing our two houses which were just a couple down from each other. My mind was immediately filled up with good memories that we shared from when we lived here and I couldn't wait to see our families again.

"You excited?" Harry asked me with a chuckle.

"Of course I am. I haven't been home in months or seen anyone from home. Jenna and Jason are going to be here, too." I said as I looked over at him with a smile.

"It'll be nice to see them again." He nodded.

I bit my lip gently then went inside once we pulled up to my parents' house where we were staying, bringing in Max and my suitcase. He immediately ran inside to greet my parents who were a bit surprised to see a dog with us.

"Sorry. I couldn't just leave him back home." I tell them and my dad shakes his head.

"I should have known it wouldn't be long before you got one. You only asked for a dog every day since you learned how to say it." He teased, pulling me into a hug which I immediately returned.

I give my mum a hug next and smile softly as Harry greeted my parents as well. It was really nice that they all got along because family was very important to me and it would have been awful having to choose between them and the love of my life. After unpacking upstairs in my old room we came back down and caught up with my parents for while until it was time for us to head over to Anne's for dinner. The three of us walked over, Max trailing beside me as since he refused to be left alone. When we walked in he immediately sniffed out the family cat, Dusty, who didn't seem too happy about a dog at first but Max just laid by her wagging his tail until she finally brushed against him and purred.

"How cute." I smile widely as I watched them. "Look, Harry, they're best friends already."

"I see, love. Maybe Dusty will finally stop being so grumpy now." He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"She's just grumpy with you because you always step on her tail." I said to him.

"Hey, by accident. Not on purpose." He pouted.

I smiled and kissed his pouted lips gently, which caused a small smile to form on them as he kissed back.

"She still hates you." I patted his cheek then walked off into the kitchen, leaving him to pout again.

I helped the other women with the food while Harry and our dads talked in the living room about who knows what. Normally he would be all for helping out with cooking, but there were already a lot of people in the kitchen so he didn't want to take up what little space we had left in there.

The dinner itself was great and we had some nice laughs between our families, sharing old memories and stories.... Most of which seemed to be about Harry and me from when we were kids. I had heard a lot already, but a couple were new to me and they put a smile on my face which only grew as Harry grabbed my hand under the table and kissed my cheek fondly. It was crazy how things had turned out for us. From best friends, to rivals, and now to lovers who were hopelessly in love. It was like a fairy tale and I still couldn't get over how lucky I was to be able to call him mine. He was just perfect in every way and even though we had our moments we still found a way to work through them before the day would end. We made a promise to each other to never go to bed angry at each other, and so far we were doing a pretty good job of doing just that.

"Jenna and Jason are going out skating at the river tomorrow. They asked if we wanted to come with." Harry said as we sat by the fire drinking some hot chocolate together while everyone else had gone to bed.

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