Part 15

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Harry's POV

I had to admit the sort of kiss was a bit much, but her reaction gave me a hint that she felt something for me as well. With the way things have been going between us lately I knew I had to take my chance and tell her how I really felt. I messed up last time by running away, but I was older now and ready to make that committment to her.

We ended up leaving the park shortly after to get to my meeting and she decided to tag along instead of going back to the hotel. I made sure to text the curator to let him know that we were coming asked if he would cover the final piece of my collection so Charlie wouldn't see it. I wanted to wait until the night of the opening to show that to her so I could explain what it meant to me... to us.

Thankfully he got the message so when we got there it was covered so Charlie wouldn't see it. She decided to wander around looking at the other pieces that were actually up on the walls and I watched her for a moment, smiling softly as she took obvious interest in each one. If only she knew the story behind each one...

Charlie's POV

I wandered around the gallery looking at all of the art pieces Harry had done and I was still in awe at the talent he had. When we were in highschool I noticed that he really took interest im drawing and I constantly saw him doodling on his papers or in his drawing book. There were even times when I caught him drawing me a few times, but I couldn't even get mad because of how amazing they were. It seemed like he perfected his style over the years and everything he did was just amazing.

I made my way over to the one at the back of the building, furrowing my eyebrows when I noticed that it was covered with a sheet. I went over to take a look at it, reaching for the sheet and getting a mere peek at the corner.


I jumped and turned to see Harry standing right behind me.

"Don't do that. You scared the hell out of me." I said as I hit his chest.

He chuckled and smiled.

"Sorry, but I had to stop you from seeing the main piece. It's a surprise. But other than that what do you think of think of the rest of it?" He asked.

"They're amazing, Harry. They really are. The colors you use in each piece work so well together. You've definitely come a long way." I smiled softly.

"Thank you. That really means a lot coming from you." He smiled, and I could swear his cheeks flushed a little. "Anyway I'm done here so we can go find you a dress to wear to the party tomorrow night."

"Wait, I have to dress up?" I asked as I raised a brow.

"Yes, you do. Now come on. I'll buy." He smiled and grabbed my hand then pulled me back outside.

Since we were pretty close to downtown we just walked and I couldn't help but think about the fact that he never let go of my hand once I fell into step with him. Instead he intertwined his fingers with mine to have a better grip as we walked. I found myself walking a little closer to him as the sidewalk became a little more crowded, but soon we found a shop that looked good so we went inside.

"I hate wearing dresses. You're lucky I can tolerate you." I said as I started to look around, hearing him chuckle behind me.

"You don't have to wear a dress, love. You can always just go naked." He smirked.

I turned around and hit his arm which only made him laugh.

"I'm kidding, love. You can wear pants if you want." He said.

"Well if I find a dress that I like I'll wear it. If not then I'll move on to pants and a nice top." I told him as we continued looking around.

We ended up going into a few shops and I tried on more dresses than I can count before I finally found one that I liked. It was a strapless white dress that went down to about mid thigh with a small slit up the right leg and another at the chest which I wasn't too happy about because it showed some side boob at the right angle, but I figured it wouldn't be too bad.

"Can I see it now?" I heard Harry complain from the seat outside the dressing room. He had insisted on seeing every single dress that I tried on and he told me that he loved all of them but I never felt right with any of them until this one. I sighed then finally stepped out to show him.

"What do you think? I mean I can get some black heels to go with it and I'll probably wear it again if I had something to wear it to." I said as I tugged up the top a bit before looking up at him.

"Wow..." He murmured, looking me up and down which made my cheeks flush. "That one is perfect. You look beautiful." He said softly.

My cheeks turned an even brighter shade of pink and I nodded slightly.

"Thanks... I think I'm going to get this one." I said as I looked at myself in the mirror for a moment longer as I tried to make my final decision.

Harry's POV

I couldn't help but stare the whole time she stood there trying to make her final decision. I knew she was incredibly beautiful but there was something about seeing her in a shorter strapless dress that drove me crazy. All I wanted to do was kiss those bare shoulders and hold her. Then I remembered that I was able to do that once. I finally had her in my arms back then and had kissed her... but I threw it all away when I let fear take over.

"You okay?"

Charlie's voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked up at her.

"Huh? Oh yeah. I'm fine. Just go get changed. You're getting the dress." I said to her, half expecting her to argue but to my surprise she just nodded and went back in to get changed.

She gave me the dress and I went to pay for it while she finished. We stayed out for another half hour or so finding the right shoes for her to wear before we finally went back to the hotel to relax for the rest of the day.

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