Part 21

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Charlie's POV

It had been a few months now since I got my puppy and he was growing pretty quickly, but definitely learning a lot. He followed me everywhere and I just adored him. Though I could tell he sometimes made Harry jealous because I would give him more attention when Harry was over or if I was over at his place. Still, he was the best friend I could ask for and I was so grateful to Harry for getting him for me.

Things with Harry and I have been pretty amazing as well. I was always sleeping over at his place or he was at mine, neither of us really giving the other any time alone which I didn't really mind at all and if it bothered Harry he didn't act like it. He still worked on his paintings because it was his life, but he still gave me a few hours of his day no matter what.

"So, what do you want to do today?" I asked Max who tilted his head adorably then barked and wagged his tail. "You have no idea what I'm talking about do you?"

He barked again and I laughed softly.

"Talking to the dog again? If I didn't know any better I would think you're going crazy." Harry teased as he walked in with some breakfast and coffee for us.

"Oh, shut up. At least he's not a plant." I shot back, teasing Harry about his habit of talking to his plants when he watered them at home.

"Hey, it helps them grow big and strong when they have positive interaction." He defended as he gave me my breakfast.

"Whatever you say, Haz. At least my pet can respond back." I teased with a giggle as I took out the breakfast roll and started to eat. He just chuckled and shook his head.

"You're so annoying." He shook his head and sipped on his coffee.

"I love you, too." I coo as I lean over to kiss his cheek. "I have to work today but you can come with if you want."

"Well I haven't seen you work in a while so it should be fun." He smiled.

After getting ready we went off to the location of the photoshoot which was out in the streets of London. I hand landed a brand magazine deal which was pretty big for me.

"Shit I didn't realise there would be so many hot girls here." Harry joked when he saw the models who were getting their makeup touched up.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed his face, pulling him into a deep kiss.

"Now they know you're taken, and if I catch you flirting with one of them no more sex for you." I pat his cheek then head over to get set up and listen to the owner of the brand to get a sense of what she wanted exactly.

Harry's POV

I watched her closely as she worked, seeing how focused she became the moment the shoot started. She was so passionate about it and I loved seeing her do something she was so amazing at.

Even though it had only been a couple months since we started dating I knew that I was ready to marry this girl. She was everything I wanted and more, nothing like the other girls I was with who just gave me a temporary fix. I had already bought a ring, but for the time being I was waiting until she was ready and dropped subtle questions about getting married to her every once in a while. For the most part she seemed to want to wait since she was getting more work nowadays and I definitely understood that. I had some more work to do myself and had to keep up two galleries on top of that. We were just top busy at the moment to add planning a wedding to everything, though at the same time eloping sounded so much better. Our parents would be furious with us, but it would be worth it.

When she finally finished the shoot I went over to her and cupped her cheeks, placing a soft kiss on her lips. She gave me a confused look when I pulled away and I just smiled at her.

"What was that for?" She asked.

"Just... I love you." I said softly, pecking her lips again.

"I love you, too." She smiled, leaning in for another kiss.


Christmas came sooner than I expected, but it was still an exciting time. The two of us were going home for the holidays and our families were holding christmas together since Charlie just had her parents and everyone got along anyway so it was going to be great. I was so excited to give Charlie my gift which was a trip to Jamaica, a place I knew she had always wanted to go.

"Harry, did you pack the dog food? And his toys and his bed?" She asked as she rushed around the house.

"Yes, love." I said.

"What about the presents? Are you sure we have all of them?" She asked again.

"Yes, I'm sure. Babe, we have everything we need. Just calm down and relax." I said as I grabbed her cheeks and made her look at me. "The only thing left to put in the car is your suitcase which is right by the door. Take a deep breath."

She let in a deep breath and I smiled as she relaxed. I kiss her lips softly then pull away.

"Now lets go." I said, slapping her ass as she walked by which made her giggle.

I smiled to myself and packed up her suitcase then drove us back home to Holmes Chapel.

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