Part 5

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Harry's POV

"Okay, what the hell did you do? Something obviously happened between you two that we don't know about so spill." Jenna demanded as soon as we got to the bar.

I order myself a couple shots and down them right away, sighing softly as she spoke.

"I slept with her." I mumbled.

"You what?" She raised her brow and leaned closer. "When?"

"The night of Andy's party. She got drunk and kissed me, so I kissed back and one thing led to another."

"Then you just left?! No wonder she's been so upset. You asshole!"

Her hand came into contact with the back of my head and I jumped.

"Ow! What the fuck, Jenna?" I asked as I stared at her while rubbing the spot she hit.

Of course this only caused her to hit me again until Jason pulled her back.

"You need to fix it. She's been a fucking mess since you left and she tries to hide it but we know better. She hasn't even tried to go out and meet anyone and she buried herself in her work. She barely gets out of the house unless I drag her ass out. You did that to her and you need to make it right." She demanded.

"Look, I know I fucked up okay? I'm trying, but she refuses to actually talk to me."

"So make her talk. Or actually tell her how you feel, Harry." Jason said to me.

"What are y-" Jenna paused and looked between us while I kept my head down. "You love her don't you?" She finished.

"I knew the first time we spent a weekend camping together..." I said quietly as I messed with my glass, watching the liquid move around with the ice.


"No, you put this pole through loop B then hook it onto the top." Charlie argued, pointing out the correct way to set up our tent as she held the instructions and left me to do the actual work.

"Would you put that down and just help me? It's not that hard to do without the stupid instructions." I argued, only getting a small groan and eye roll from her.

"I wouldn't need the instructions if you would just listen to me for once." She muttered as she set the instructions down then walked over to help me.

"You say that like you're always right." I said to her, subtly inserting the pole where she told me to which ended up being the correct one despite the fact that I had been arguing with her for ten minutes over putting it in a different slot.

"I am always right." She smiled sweetly, pulling the pole to her side so we could bend it up and hook it onto the corner.

We did the same with the other pole then finally laid the top piece over which was supposed to keep rain from seeping into the tent. I took over the task of hammering the stakes in and within a few minutes our tent was finally made and ready to be slept in.

"Took you two long enough." Jenna said as her and Jason sat in their camping chairs watching the whole scene play out while munching on some chips.

"You guys could have helped you know." Charlie huffed at our friends and crossed her arms.

"But that would be no fun." Jason chuckled, making her roll her eyes again and let out a small groan of annoyance.

I chuckle as she pouted and walked off to start finding some wood, finding it adorable when she made those cute angry faces of hers. She reminded me of a toddler sometimes, but I loved it.

I decided to follow her, helping her find some good branches for firewood as I hummed softly to myself. After a few minutes I realized she was humming along and I smiled to myself, pausing to just listen to her as she sang a couple of the words quietly to herself.

"Look at the stars, look how they shine for you..."

Her soft voice lingered in my ears and made my heart flutter. That song was one of my favorites and it always reminded me of her.

"Harry? Earth to Harry. Are you in there?" Charlie asked as she snapped her fingers in front of my face to get me out of the daydream I was in.

"Huh?" I asked, a bit confused about what was going on.

"You just stopped and stared at me. It's weird." She furrowed her brows and I just shrugged.

"Just spaced off I guess. I think this is enough. We should head back." I said as I picked up another branch then dragged them back to camp where we would chop them up with the ax.

We took a break to eat then relaxed a little before Jason convinced us to head down to the lake to swim for a bit. The girls changed in one tent while we changed in another and the moment I saw Charlie in her bikini I couldn't help but stare. Her body language told me that she wasn't too comfortable wearing it, but she had no reason to be because she was beautiful.

A few minutes later we were on the beach, us boys in the water while the girls were tanning on the beach chatting about girl things I guess.

"Harry, if you're going to stare you need to make it less obvious." Jason teased me.

"I'm not staring." I argued, splashing him for good measure which only made him laugh.

"You were staring. You're lucky she hasn't noticed yet." He chuckled and shook his head.

"I have a girlfriend, Jason." I reminded him.

"So? One that refused to come on the camping trip because she didn't want to get her freshly done nails dirty." He scoffed. "Janie is just a fling and you know it. You can barely stand the girl. Why not be with someone who knows you better than anyone and will actually enjoy doing things like this with you?"

"It's not that simple, Jason. She's Charlie and she acts like she can't stand to be around me half the time so there would be no point in trying to be with her when I already know that she's not going to like it. Besides, I like how things are right now and I don't want that to change." I shook my head and climbed up onto the dock to sit down for a bit.

Jason ended up dropping the subject, thank god, but what he said really did get me thinking and I started to wonder what it would actually be like if we were together like he was with Jenna. Sure we bicker like crazy and get on each other's nerves, but that's what made our friendship fun. There was always a sort of competition between us to see who could annoy each other the most and I didn't feel like that would change much if we got together. The only difference would be that we could make out after every argument.

"Boys, come on. I'm hungry." Jenna called, causing us both to look over to see both the girls ready to leave.

"Guess that's our cue." Jason said as he got up and pat my shoulder before heading up to them.

I let out a deep sigh then followed close behind, not really saying much during the short walk up to our camp site.

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