Part 12

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Charlie's POV

"That was the night you beat the shit out of Joey Peters. I wish I could have seen it." I laugh softly and smile as I stayed close to him.

"Yeah, well, he deserved it for making my best friend cry." He said with a chuckle. "I think I had a lot more fun that night with you at the house though. We danced, ate junk food, made some brownies, then sat on our asses in our nice clothes and watched movies all night. It was perfect."

"Yeah, it was." I said softly, smiling until I remembered what happened shortly after that night when he took off. The song ended and I looked up at him, about to ask him why he left but I was interrupted when someone announced that they were going to cut the cake now. "We better get over there."

I pulled away from him then walked over to the group of people surrounding the cake table, leaving Harry standing where I left him as I watched the newlyweds cut their cake. I laughed softly as they shoved it in each other's faces. They were seriously perfect for each other and I felt so happy for them, though part of me was envious of the love they had and I wished I could have the same thing.

The rest of the night ended up being quite a bit of fun after I got a couple more drinks in me. I danced with some of the groomsmen who were looking for someone to dance with and enjoyed myself, though when I was about to get one of them to get me another drink Harry stepped in and pulled me away from him. I pouted and reluctantly went with him, too drunk to fight back.

"Hey, I was getting somewhere with him." I huffed.

"You were getting nowhere, Charlie. Especially not with him." He said as he led me over to where Jenna and Jason were. "I'm taking her home. You two have fun alright?"

"Good idea. Charlie, I love you, but you're so drunk." Jenna giggled as she looked at me. "Thank you so much for today. I'll call you tomorrow okay?"

I pouted a little, but nodded and gave her a hug.

"Have fun on your honeymoon." I said to them, giving Jason a hug as well before allowing Harry to drive me back home. On the way there I kept thinking about what happened the last time he drove me home drunk but frowned a little, knowing that it could never happen again. When we arrived at the apartment building he helped me up the stairs to my floor then I gave him my keys so he could get in, knowing that I definitely couldn't see straight enough to open the doors myself. As soon as he let us in he started to lead me to my room but I stopped him and shook my head.

"I can do it on my own. You can stay if you want, but you're not coming in my room again." I said as I pulled away from him then walked towards my room, shutting the door behind me. I let out a deep sigh then walked over to my closet, somehow managing to change into pajamas without any help. Once I finished I lie down in bed, sighing softly because I knew that I would be feeling awful in the morning but at least I wouldn't be in bed with my best friend.

I dozed off for a while until halfway through the night when I woke up feeling the overwhelming urge to throw up, which sent me running for the bathroom. Harry must not have been sleeping or he just woke up because he was at my side a moment later, holding my hair for me and rubbing my back as I emptied my stomach into the toilet. When I finally finished I just leaned into him a bit, feeling absolutely miserable.

"Remind me to never drink again." I mumbled, closing my eyes and just feeling exhausted from the long day I had.

"I will, love. Come on. I'll get you back to bed." He said softly as he helped me up. I brushed my teeth and rinsed it out so my breath didn't smell like vomit anymore, then allowed him to take me back to my room and help me into bed. He left for a few minutes then came back with some water and Advil to help with the headache that was coming on.

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