Part 20

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Charlie's POV

Ever since that breakfast Harry had been acting pretty suspicious. He was on the phone a lot and would stop talking or leave when I entered the room. It was really bothering me that I didn't know what was going on and I knew that they weren't "business calls". He snuck off quite a bit too which got me really worried and my brain went to the worst possible outcome.

"You don't think he's cheating do you?" I asked Jenna, who had come to town to spend the day with me since she couldn't be here for my actual birthday tomorrow.

"What? Harry? Are you kidding me, Charlie? That boy loves you more than anything and he wouldn't do that to you." She frowned and shook her head. "He's probably just surprising you with something for your birthday. He's weird like that."

"I suppose you're right... I just don't like the secrecy. It makes me nervous." I sigh and pick at my ice cream.

"You're going to have to learn to trust him, Charlie. I know you've been through a lot and he's made mistakes, but you can't have a relationship without trust." She said.

"I know. I know. I'm trying." I sighed, seeing her check her phone as it beeped.

"We gotta go. Come on." She smiled and stood up.

"What about our movie date?" I asked.

"Trust me. This is way more fun." She smirked.

I raise a brow but follow her anyway, not sure what we were doing but we ended up at Harry's house.

Harry's POV

I told Jenna to bring Charlie back once we got everything settled and I couldn't help but feel excited. I had spent the past week calling around to shelters in town to see if they had puppies that we could bring to the house for Charlie to play with and I ended up getting fifteen together. Some of them were small and some bigger, but I knew she wouldn't care. She would be in puppy heaven. We blocked them into one room and I waited for them to get home with a couple of the shelter workers.

"Shit, she's here." I said excitedly as I went to meet her outside. "Hey, babe. You're going to have to close your eyes."

"Why?" She furrows her eyebrows but I just smile.

"Trust me." I tell her.

She was confused but closed her eyes and let me lead her into the house. I pick her up so I could lift her over the gate that was across the doorway, chuckling as she squeaked in surprise and gripped onto me.

"Harry, what are you-" She immediately stopped talking when she heard a yip of one of the puppies. "Is that?"

"Open your eyes, love."

I set her down and smiled widely as she gasped at the sight of the puppies running over to greet her.

"You get three whole hours with all of these puppies." I told her, watching her full on start crying as she sat down and let them jump on her. Within seconds she was laying back laughing as they licked and jumped on her.

"You did good, Harry." Jenna laughed softly and smiled as she got in as well to play with them as well. Jason had helped me put all of it together today so he was here as well and the four of us played with the puppies.

"Charlie, I have another surprise for you." I said as it came time to let them go. "One of these pups is your birthday present. You get to choose which one to take home. I know you want all of them but I think just one is a good start for now." I teased.

That sent her off on another crying spree and I noticed that she had taken a liking to a little black lab pup who was sleeping on her lap. It took her a little while but she finally chose the puppy in her lap. I smiled and gave the money to the shelter that he came from before helping them load up the others with Jason. I thanked them again then came back into the house, seeing Charlie hugging her new pup as happy tears fell down her cheeks.

"You happy?" I asked her, knowing she couldn't really talk.

She just nodded and set him down before standing up and hugging me tightly. I kiss her head, keeping her close to me until she calmed down.

"Happy birthday, my love." I murmured, smiling softly as she pulled back and kissed me. Of course I immediately returned it until the pup tugged on my pant leg. I chuckle and pick him up. "So. What are you going to call this little guy?" I asked her.

She sniffled and wiped her eyes then looked at him for a moment.

"He looks like a Max to me." She said.

"Max it is then." I smiled, chuckling as he barked and wagged his tail happily. "I'm going to clean up my floor quick then we'll go out and get him some stuff from the pet store."

She nodded and took the puppy from me, heading out to the car while I mopped up the floors quick since the pups had had a few accidents during their time here. We spent the next couple hours pet shopping and got him everything he needed from a collar and leash to toys. Next we went to Charlie's apartment to get him used to being there and he finally just sprawled out on his bed, going right to sleep.

Charlie's POV

"I can't believe you got me a dog... and I got to play with a bunch of puppies. My heart can't handle that much cuteness, Harry." I laughed softly as I looked up at him.

"Well I know you've wanted one for ages so I thought why not get you one? Besides I know you were thinking about getting one anyway. I mean when we were apartment hunting the first thing you asked is if pets were allowed." I chuckled.

"That's true. I pass by the pet store a lot and I always have to go in and see the puppies. You won't believe how many times I almost walked out with one." I laughed softly. "But now I won't have to go in to get my puppy fix anymore."

"No, you won't. I just hope that you won't forget about me now that you have him." He pouted.

I smiled softly and moved to straddle his lap.

"I could never forget about you." I promised as I kissed his lips gently. "I love you, Harry. So much more than you'll ever know."

"I love you, too." He smiled, looking at me for a moment before bringing his lips back to mine.

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