Part 13

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Charlie's POV

I ended up going with Harry to his mum's house, smiling softly as she greeted me with open arms. Anne was always like a second mother to me and no matter what kind of fight Harry and I were in she was there for me when I needed it and I would forever be grateful to her for it. Especially after that night I ended up having a break down after Harry left.

"It's so great to see you again, Charlie. It's been too long." She said as she gave me a long hug.

"I just saw you last week at the bakery, Anne." I laughed softly.

"It's still too long. I'm still so used to seeing you every day. I'm glad you two are together again though. I told Harry to go visit you or I would ground him." She said, making me giggle.

"Mum. Stop." Harry groaned, obviously embarrassed by his mother but I found it adorable.

"Well he did so no grounding necessary." I laughed softly and walked in with him as she stepped back to let us in.

Over the next few hours we basically just caught up and I kind of fell into the background while Harry spoke with his mother for the most part. The feeling of his hand on my leg snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked over to see him still talking with Anne so it was obviously something that he wasn't even aware that he did. My cheeks flushed a little, but I made no effort to move his hand because the small touch gave me butterflies. Instead I decided to be a little brave and placed my hand over his which seemed to capture his attention because he paused from talking to glance at our hands then over at me.

"I'll go grab some snacks. You two want anything?" Anne asked, breaking us out of our stare.

"No, I'm fine. Thanks." I said politely, Harry saying the same.

Anne left and I glanced back down at our hands when I felt his move, fighting back a smile as he turned it over so our palms were together and intertwined our fingers. I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye and a moment later his lips were pressed to the side of my head, making me smile as well.

"Have you thought about my offer yet?" He asked.

"I have... I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet." I said honestly.

As much as I wanted to go with him I still had a job to do and I was supposed to house sit for Jenna and Jason while they were gone, too.

"What's keeping you here? You can reschedule work stuff can't you? I mean you're your own boss." He asked with a pout.

"Jenna and Jason asked me to house sit for them. Plus I can't just reschedule some of these photoshoots for a couple weeks. Some of these people need their photos right away. Plus I have this policy that if I reschedule I give them a percent off their shoot charge which is less money for me." I explained.

"Okay, the house thing is something anyone can do. I'll ask around to find someone to take over. And as for the money thing, I'll pay for the money off for every shoot you have to reschedule." He said.

"Harry, you can't-"

"I can and I will. I really want you to come with me. Please?" He asked, grabbing my other hand as he looked me in the eyes.

I stared back at him for a long moment, waging an inner battle with myself. As much as I wanted to go I was still nervous about getting too close to him again out of fear of getting my heart broken once more. I opened my mouth to say no, but instead all that came out was a small sigh.

"Fine. I'll go." I said finally, giving in despite my brain telling me not to.

He smiled widely and went to kiss my cheek, though in his excitement he accidentally placed it on the corner of my mouth instead. We both paused as he pulled back, obviously feeling the small spark as the corners of our lips touched. He glanced down at my lips and started to lean in like he was going to properly kiss me, but of course someone had to interrupt.

"I know you both said no but I brought some out anyway." Anne said, causing us both to immediately pull away from each other and act like nothing was about to happen.

"Thank you." I said to her politely. "Now that I look at these brownies I changed my mind."

I took one of the brownies and had a bite of it, deciding to eat so no questions would be asked because at this point my heart was still racing and I wasn't sure if I would be able to form proper a sentence. I glanced over at Harry who was already looking at me as if he was also confused about what just happened but equally affected by it. Once again Anne snapped us out of it as she talked to Harry once more about planning to visit the day the gallery opened in New York and I could tell he was excited about her being there. I smiled softly as I watched them talk for a little while until it was time for us to leave. After a long goodbye we drove back to my house in silence, heading inside once we got there.

"What time is the flight?" I asked finally.

"Um, we have to be there at five. I already booked your ticket." He said as he stared at me with his bottom lip between his teeth.

That sight alone was almosy enough to make me cave, but I forced myself to look away.

"We better get some sleep then. Good night." I said, going up to my room before he could say anything else.

I lean against the door and let out a deep breath, wondering what the hell I was getting myself in to. This could be a great decision or it could completely ruin things between me and Harry, which was something I was terrified of. After a moment of second guessing myself I decided to stick with my decision and just go for it. Things seemed different now and I hoped that it wasn't just me assuming things so I felt better. I packed up a bag to take to New York along with my camera then spent the next hour calling people who I had scheduled and figuring out a day to reschedule. Thankfully all of them were pretty nice about it and none of them got upset when I told them I was taking a last minute trip. Though I got the feeling that all of them secretly knew how antisocial and lonely I was so they were excited for me to get out of town for once in my life.

Once all of that was done I just went to bed, trying hard to go to sleep but I couldn't no matter how hard I tried. It only took minutes to realize that I couldn't sleep because something, or someone, was missing from the bed. I let out a small sigh and finally got myself up, walking down the hall to the spare room where Harry was already sleeping. He woke up a little as I shut the door and I didn't say anything as I slid myself under the blanket with him and cuddled into his chest.

"Don't say it." I mumbled as I felt his arms wrap around me followed by a chuckle vibrating his chest.

"I wasn't going to say anything, love." He murmured, simply kissing my forehead before he settled in contently.

I closed my eyes as I felt his hand gently drawing shapes on my shoulder, the soft touch immediately relaxing me and soon I was fast asleep.

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