Part 14

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"You look nervous." Harry said as we sat on the plane as it lined up on the runway.

"I'm not nervous." I argued.

"I'm just saying that it's okay if you ar-"

"I said, I'm not nervous. This may be my first plane ride, but I'm not nervous." I said firmly as I looked at him, though my grip on the seat told otherwise.

He chuckled and just smiled at me.

"Sure you're not. My hand is here if you need it." He teased with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and ignored him, trying my best to hide how afraid I actually was. Despite my best efforts the moment the plane took off down the runway and started to shake I panicked and grabbed his hand.

"What's happening? Is that normal?" I asked nervously.

"Yes, love. It'll smooth out once we get in the air. Just relax." He said softly as he brought my hand to his lips and placed a soft kiss on it.

I looked over at him, seeing him smiling softly back at me.

"Just look at me. It'll be over soon." He murmured.

I did exactly that, staring back at him and finding myself being lost in his eyes. Everything else around me faded away and I could barely even feel the shaking from the plane or when it transitioned to a smooth ride as soon as the wheels actually left the ground.

*Harry's POV*

I reached up to place my hand on her cheek, gently caressing her soft skin with my thumb as I stared into those bright blue eyes that I had come to adore. She was so beautiful even though she had no makeup on and her eyes were sleepy but that only made her look even more adorable. Before I could stop myself I leaned in, my lips barely brushing against hers before the flight attendant just had to walk over to personally let us know that it was okay to move around the plane now. I pulled back and thanked her, forcing a smile on my face to hide how annoyed I was that we were interrupted yet again. When I looked back at Charlie her cheeks were a little flushed and she was struggling to undo her belt, obviously flustered by the almost kiss.

A soft chuckle fell from my lips as I watched her for a moment then reached over and easily unbuckled it for her.

"You alright?" I asked her with a playful smile on my face.

"I'm fine. I just have to use the bathroom." She said as she got up and walked down the aisle to use the bathroom.

I smiled to myself then laid my seat back and closed my eyes, trying to get some sleep since it was still so early and we didn't get much sleep last night. After a few minutes I felt Charlie sit back down beside me, but still pretended to sleep. I fought back the urge to smile as she laid her head on my shoulder after a moment, obviously tired as well. Within a few minutes I felt her body relax against mine so I opened my eyes and shifted us so my back was against the wall with my body sitting a bit sideways in the seat. I pull her closer to me and wrap my arms around her as she laid her head on my chest, barely even waking up as I moved her and got comfortable. I kiss her forehead gently then close my eyes once more, drifting off to sleep as well.


*Charlie's POV*

I woke up a few minutes before the plane was supposed to land and it only took me a second to realize that I was snuggled into Harry. My gaze shifted up to his sleeping face as the almost kiss came into mind. Did he really try to kiss me? My eyebrows furrowed for a moment as I think about it, not realizing that I had started to trace the outline of his lips with my finger. It wasn't until he started to smile and kissed my finger that I snapped out of it. I immediately pull back completely and blushed as I sat up in my seat.

"What were you doing?" He asked with an amused smile on his sleepy, and very adorable, face.

"Nothing." I lied. "You had some food on your mouth."

"Mm. Is that so? You sure you weren't trying to kiss me?" He teased.

"What? No, of course not." I said, though my heart skipped a beat just thinking about it.

Thankfully he let it go and once the plane landed we got a cab to the hotel we were going to be staying at. It was definitely far nicer than any hotel I had been in but I had no objections and just let him handle everything while I followed behind.

"So I don't have to be at the gallery until three so we have some time if you want to look around New York. Maybe stop by Central Park?" He suggested, immediately catching my attention.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" I said excitedly as I grabbed my camera so I could take pictures then pulled him out of the room behind me.

After a quick car ride through the city we finally made it to central park and I smiled, immediately taking photos and just loving to finally be in the park that I had been wanting to take photos of for ages. Harry just followed me around, letting me take it in until we finally stopped to get some hot dogs at a stand then sat on a bench to eat them.

"I'm really glad you came with me." He said after a moment.

"Me too." I smiled softly, seeing him chuckle a bit. "What?"

"You got some ketchup... Here just let me." He said.

I watched as he reached over like he was going to wipe it off with his thumb, but instead he decided to surprise me by putting his hand on the back of my neck and pulling me a little closer as he leaned in and kissed it off the corner of my mouth. I froze and felt my heart beating faster as my eyes fluttered shut, his lips lingering there for a moment longer than needed before he finally pulled back.

"Got it." He murmured, simply smirking at me as he went back to eating his food while I just stared at him in shock.

This boy will be the death of me..

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