Virgo V.S. Galactica, Draco Emerges

Start from the beginning

Virgo shook her head. "I am afraid not. It is nearly 9 o' clock, and the area around Magnolia is far too dangerous for any walks."

"What's gonna get me? Forest Vulcans?" Tatsu grumbled.

"Actually yes." said Virgo. 

Virgo sighed. Each and every time she babysat these kids, they didn't seem to ever understand that what she did, she did for their safety... humans were a little confusing sometimes.. 

However, despite knowing that it was a little bit of a bitter business to try and keep your children safe.. she yearned for them to at least to like her a bit.

Later that night.. Virgo was reading one of the novels Lucy had published recently, still sitting by the fire.. when the door suddenly burst open.

"V-VIRGO!!" Miyoko stammered, looking like she was out of breath. "P-Please! HELP!!"

"Wait.. you're supposed to be in bed!" said Virgo.

"We snuck out! THAT'S NOT THE POINT!! TATSU'S IN TROUBLE!!" Miyoko exclaimed, fear apparent in her eyes. 

"Come on!!" Virgo jumped up without hesitation and followed Miyoko out into the woods behind Natsu and Lucy's cottage..

They ran for what seemed like minutes, every moment feeling like  heart throbbing stab in Virgo's mind.. when finally they stopped.

"Th-this is!?" Virgo stammered.

Hundreds of Forest Vulcans were laughing and converging around Tatsu's unconscious form, poking at him.

"W-we were sparring.. training our fighting skills.. and I accidentally knocked him out! And before I knew it, we were surrounded!" Miyoko stammered. "I-I can't fight this many on my own! P-please!"

"Stay back." said Virgo.

"Wh-what!? NO! I wanna hel-."

"Do not worry." Virgo patted a hand on Miyoko's head.

Miyoko stared, calmed, yet confused as to why she was suddenly so calm.. was it that Virgo seemed completely at ease?

"Lookie at this weird pink hair stuff!" said one of the Vulcans, not paying Virgo a single mind as they poked at Tatsu. 

"Yeah! Should we try tearing it off? Eheheheh." said another Vulcan. 

Virgo looked around calmly, there had to be at least a thousand converged on this spot.. it must have been some sort of gathering to find a mate. And Miyoko and Tatsu had accidentally walked right into it..  even an S class mage would have immense trouble with these numbers.  But Miyoko, despite her smarts had always been more into talking with her fists, Natsu's influence on her no doubt..

Virgo steadily stooped down and gathered some odd looking lime green leaves.. she then took out a lighter and lit the leaf on fire.. and an odd smoke began to waft out.

"Uh? What's that... THAT HORRIBLE SMELL!!? URRRRRAAAAAHHH!!" One of the Vulcans covered his mouth, dropping Tatsu.

Before long.. every Vulcan in the forest had run off, screaming with horror at the thing that had assailed their nose. 

Virgo picked up Tatsu in her arms gently, as a stunned Miyoko ran over.

"You.. how did you know that would work!?" Miyoko stammered.

 "My old master.. before Lucy, he owned a manor near a colony of Forest Vulcans." said Virgo. "I used to have to gather firewood for him.. and I discovered that certain plant odors repulse the vulcans. 

A Railgun In Fairy Tail, Diablo Saga 7: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now