A Discussion Between Gods

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Vetranos stood outside the mansion.. his arms folded... staring at the destruction that had been wrought within..

A battle had been fought.. and Aleister was nowhere to be found..

"Damn... they're starting an investigation of their own.." Vetranos hissed. "Skea we can hide from.. but who in hell did they send to start digging up my affairs?"

"His name is Frieza.. he's... from Zen-oh's multiverse.." said a voice.

"Gorith.." Vetranos muttered as a being made of stone that looked like a featureless statue with intricate ruins around it's chest stepped out.

Gorith, the Earth god, looked around. "There are signs of his Death Beam attacks everywhere... and of course he is quite cunning, he would know how to work around trickery and lies.. "

"that suggests what we do is despicable.." said Vetranos. 

"It is..think of it.. think of what we are about to do just to make sure Fulguras returns to her status as a god... to keep Wrathas's threat closed forever.." said Gorith. "The anger you caused her.. we caused her.. simply by killing the long nosed fella. Perhaps there is a possibility this plan might alienate her."

"Hmmm." said Vetranos muttered. "Fulas always understood the needs of the many outweighs those of the few..."

"But Fulguras is essentially different than Fulas.' said Gorith. "Consider it.. for just a moment. When Fulguras and Wrathas were merged as Fulas, Fulas wasn't just good, she was also unfallible because her judgement was never obscured by petty compassion... but when they demerged, the lack of compassion, the cold feelings that made her able to judge with impunity,that went with Wrathas... Fulguras became everything kind, and wonderful about Fulas, and none of the bad before reincarnating as a Numensapien to preserve her essence. She isn't Fulas now.. she is a version of Fulguras further influenced by human emotion.. she won't be thinking logically like her merged self would.."

"Perhaps.. killing Fairy Tail... is a flawed plan.. perhaps we should try to appeal to her some other way.." said Vetranos.

"Now.. that won't do at all.."

Vetranos and Gorith turned in shock to see a mass of swirling shadows blocking their path... and emerging from the shadows... was Wrathas herself.

"Y-you... what are you-?" Vetranos stammered. "You're banned from this district, you shouldn't be able to-.."

"Get in? Well I admit, it took several massive spells to rip through the barrier restricting m y presence.. but I managed it after some effort.. Now.. Fairy Tail.. I admit.. is the one bit of glue holding my Good Self together..  without them.. Misaka.. Fulguras.. would lose herself..I was hoping you could take them out for me.. after all..why merge with me.. when she's got nothing left to gain by doing so? heheheheh.."

"Y-you.. wait.. during our meetings, I felt a shadowy presence within our hearts... I thought it was nothing at first but... " Vetranos gritted his fangs. "You've been playing us all along.."

"I am Corruption.." said Wrathas. "My essence can creep even into the hearts of gods.. and manipulate their choices.. but rest assured, the guilt for your decision to kill Fairy Tail should be mostly your own.. all my powers do is whisper suggestions into your minds.. it was up to you whether to act on those suggestionsor ignore them.."

"That's just like Wrathas.. to decieve and corrupt.. to play on our fears secretly and leave us to destroy ourselves." said Gorith. 

"Enough of that." said Vetranos. "This doesn't matter.. because here and now.. we shall destroy YOU!"

A Railgun In Fairy Tail, Diablo Saga 7: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now