Virgo V.S. Galactica, Draco Emerges

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One Month ago..

"Miyoko.. are you done yet!?" Tatsu stammered.  He was stuck in a single pose in front of an apple tree in front of the cottage where he lived with his mother and father. And he had been standing there for over an hour now."

"No.. just hold still!" said Miyoko as she concentrated on the easel before her.. adding touches of paint to the canvas with the skill and deft hand of a master artist. "Don't worry.. almost done.. just gotta add a little more shading... and.."

"Hey you two! Time for lunch!" said Lucy, poking her head out of the cottage window. 

"J-just a moment Aunt Lucy!" Miyoko stammered. "I'm.. almost.. done.."

Lucy walked out and smiled as she looked at the beautiful painting of Tatsu picking an apple from the tree.  "My, your mother's right, you ARE going to be famous. Not even Reedus's ever painted anything THIS good."

Miyoko blushed at being compared to Fairy Tail's painting mage. 

"Yeah yeah, Miyoko's paintings are always great, can I MOVE now!?" Tatsu exclaimed in exasperation.

"You're free to move about the cabin." said Miyoko.

"THANK YOU!!" Tatsu groaned, collapsing onto the grass.

"Now Tatsu,  you two need to come in and eat quickly, me and your father are heading out soon.."

"Heading out?" said Miyoko. "Where?"

"Oh.. Mom and Dad have a date night planned.." said Tatsu. 

"W-wait what? B-but Aunt Lucy, Mama and Papa are in Washington for Mira Jr's Gymnastics Competition!" said Miyoko. "I-I'm supposed to stay here tonight a-and.."

"Easy there cowgirl." said Lucy. "I'm not leaving you two or little Cindy alone. Virgo is watching you.."

"Virgo!?" Tatsu and Miyoko groaned. 

"She never lets us do ANYTHING!" Tatsu moaned.

"She's always so.. proper! Never lets us watch violent television or ANYTHING!" Miyoko groaned. 

"Which is also what I do.." Lucy said with a confused frown.

"You don't GET it Aunt Lucy.. the point of a baby sitter is to let you get away with a WHOLE lot more than usual!" said Miyoko.  

"YEAH! Like when Uncle Gajeel babysits! He lets us watch scary movies, and we go to the theme park late at-.."

Tatsu stopped talking abruptly as Miyoko was frantically gesturing at him to be quiet, while Lucy was raising an eyebrow. 

"hmmm.. I see.." said Lucy.  "Well in any case.. you BOTH are to listen to everything Virgo says understand?"

"Yes ma'am.." Miyoko and Tatsu chorused as if they were dead inside."

And so Miyoko and Tatsu watched Lucy's retreating back as she took out her phone and began talking into it..

"Hey Gajeel.. I was wondering what was the movie you let Tatsu and Miyoko wa-... ALIEN COVENANT!? ARE YOU INSANE!?"

Later that night.. Virgo sat in the main armchair by the fire, holding a giggling five year old blonde girl. Tatsu's little sister, Cindy, while Miyoko and Tatsu both sat at the dining table.. bored out of their minds.

Virgo glanced at the duo every now and then, and frowned slightly.  "Are you two alright?"

"We're.. fine.. I guess." Miyoko muttered. "Say.. Virgo? Can we go out and do something for a change?"

A Railgun In Fairy Tail, Diablo Saga 7: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now