The Emperor and the Diablo

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"The first match is finished." said Frieza, looking up at the screen. "If my information is correct, they should be starting about now.. are we ready?"

Erza nodded. "Go.."

Frieza smirked and disappeared in a blur of speed.

"Where's he going!? What's he up to!?" Vegeta roared. "What have you been planning with him?"

"It's something that only Frieza can do.. isn't it?" said Goku.

Erza nodded. "Trust me, if there were any other way, we'd do it.. but.."

Erza glanced at the rest of Fairy Tail and all their friends behind her... she had already briefed them on the plan.. and even the children were staring resolutely at the screen in anticipation for what was going to happen.

"One of Diablo's team.. is capable of absolutely stopping the attempt to kill us.." said Erza. "And one of our team is capable.. of stopping the attempt to kill us.. that is going to happen in around 2 minutes.. "

"T-TWO MINUTES!?" Vegeta roared. "D-damn! They'd try to kill your entire guild in front of us!?"

"They're gods.. to them, we're just bugs." said Wendy stepping forward. "But.. unless you count Mayuri, who doesn't have the power necessary to do this... Frieza is the only one we know.. capable of the interrogation methods we need to save our entire guild.."

And just what interest does Frieza have in keeping the ones who imprisoned him alive!?" Vegeta stammered.

For just a moment.. Erza glanced back at  Miyoko, but resumed looking at the screen. This would take perfect timing to work... it was all up to Accelerator now..

Back down at the battlefield, as Nicole helped Saitama sit down and began patching him up with bandages, Mikoto looked at Accelerator, sweating. "Y-you ready?"

Accelerator glanced at Mikoto. "Trust me, we're fine.. heh.. wish you'd stop second guessing yourself.. you're right, it's our last option..  if what our information says they're using to try and kill us is correct.. this plan is the only plan we've got.. the only good one anyways.."

Mikoto nodded. "Just.. I can't help but feel by using Frieza.. we've made a deal with the Devil.."

"He ain't the devil.. and we know that.. " Accelerator said. "The Devil's sitting there, pulling Diablo's strings.. pulling everyone's strings.. it's time we yanked back.."

"Get ready, they'll start as soon as they announce you and your opponent.." Mikoto whispered.

"And the next match!" Horus announced.

"Here it is.." Accelerator muttered.

"Is Accelerator V.S. Diablo Goros.."


Back at the manor of the gods... one of the gods.. a tall fishman like creature wearing leather pants, with a jewel encrusted in his chest.. walked over next to a strange spherical red god with multiple arms, and one large round eye in the center of it's body.. floating next to a monitor displaying an image of the battlefield...

"Are we ready?" said the first god. "Vectras.." 

"Yes.." said Vectras. "Of course.. the only troubling one might be the esper in the center, but at least if they don't expect us.. it should be fine..."

"Then commence." said the first god.

Vectras raised his multiple arms..."There, my secret power that only those I've told know of.. which will ensure our getting away with a clean slate on this... the spell of death.. Consume and Disrupt.. Guided Rain of the Vector GOD!!"

A Railgun In Fairy Tail, Diablo Saga 7: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now