Prologue - An Untimely Death

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(A/N: Frequency is my OC and cannot be used without my express permission.)

Prologue: An Untimely Death

"We cannot let this get out."

The larger of the two mechs stared bitterly at the grayed frame laid out on the table before them, as cold and lifeless in death as he'd been in life. The only real difference was that the mech was no longer useful.

"A logical decision, my lord," the shorter of the two responded from where he stood at a monitor, moving away from it after a moment of silence to inspect the dead mech again, checking the wound that had ultimately ended his life. "It will cause discord, and Starscream will be quick to take advantage."

Light glinted off silver plating as the massive warrior gave a sharp nod of agreement, hydraulics hissing as he moved to stand directly beside the medberth, red optics of cold fire regarding the slackened faceplates below him. Faceplates that he hadn't seen for eons.

The mech certainly didn't look dead, faceplates paler than usual, but holding the same lack of emotion as always, giving the allusion of rest.

"I will not be able to explain away his absence for long." The larger mech rumbled darkly, his displeasure aimed at the inconvenience of the mech's death, not at all out of grief. "You are certain dark energon will not ressurect him?"

The purple mech's digits twitched from where they were curled over the edge of the shrapnel wound. "The dark energon would succeed in ressurection, but he will no longer be of use. He will be unable to perform his previous duties." There was a click of hesitation before he continued, turning towards the larger mech now. "Logically it would cause more damage than announcing his deactivation."

Scarred lips curled back in a snarl, the silver mech turning aside to upturn a nearby table, scattering the contents across the floor with a loud crash. "Starscream's death would've been so much more convenient!!" He roared, whipping around to face the purple mech who regarded him with disinterest. "The wretched seeker is replaceable! Soundwave was invaluable to the cause, and not so easily replaced."

Watching his leader pace, the purple mech was silent for a brief moment before speaking up again, helm following the silver mech's movements. "Don't be so quick to assume Soundwave is so valuable, my lord," the mech answered, clawed digits clicking against one another.

The silence was short lived, the decepticon warlord turning to face the scientist, a snarl on his faceplates. "Explain quickly, Shockwave, before I decide someone else is more worthy of your position."

Shockwave remained unmoving, completely confident in his value. Nobody could replace him, and he was most likely the only one in the decepticon forces that was truly irreplaceable. "I've prepared for every possibility, including the possible loss of command staff," -the scientist specifically left out the fact that he'd also prepared possible candidates to replace Megatron himself should he fall- "and I have a mech to replace Soundwave. Nobody will even realize that he isn't our lost tactician." The scientist announced emotionlessly.

Regarding the shorter mech, Megatron didn't even realize his pacing had ceased, unable to believe such a claim, even if it originated from the most brilliant mind possessed by either autobot or decepticon. "Explain." He ordered sharply.

"Soundwave was a split spark," the purple decepticon announced calmly, single optic focusing on the gray frame laid out nearby, "but like his emotions and memories, Soundwave found a way to delete the bond without causing negative side effects to himself."

Megatron took a deep vent, straightening up to his full height. "Where is the twin now? What is his faction? Why am I only hearing of him now?" The warlord questioned, a little suspicious of such an unbelievable claim. Twins were rare, specifically split sparks, and the fact that they both shared a high intellect and talent with technology made it even more far fetched.

"I have ensured Frequency's safety as well as his loyalty to the cause. I prevented him from remaining with the main force for just this purpose. He is currently posted at one of the decepticon outposts in the further reaches of space." Shockwave explained, moving over to the nearby monitor as he began typing away to pull up the mech's profile. "He has some personality flaws, and doesn't share the same undying loyalty as his brother, but there is no reason to question it as of yet. He shared the same technological gifts and intellect as Soundwave as well. He will be able to pass as his twin without too many questions being asked."

Scarred lips curled back from sharp denta, a deep rumble sounding in Megatron's chassis now. "Questions will still be asked?" He demanded sharply, not liking the holes in the plan.

"As I said, my lord," the scientist dipped his helm ever so slightly, "he has a very different personality than Soundwave. He is excitable, optimistic, talkative, and has an interest in music. His personality is closest to the autobot TIC Jazz than it is to Soundwave. I can only guess your deceased third was similar before taking his vows and deleting unneeded emotions." Shockwave explained, red optic regarding the nearby frame for a moment. "Mechs will ask questions if they notice the change in personality, even if it weren't so blatant."

Megatron rumbled softly in his chassis, attempting to think of a way around the issue. "What of Soundwave's vow of silence? Will his brother take them up as a show of his loyalty?" The warlord questioned, his shorter companion contemplating for a moment before responding, choosing his words carefully. "Possibly. Frequency would very much do so if it were required, but it wouldn't hold the same for him as it did to Soundwave. Wouldn't hold as much importance, though we may change that by using his brother."

"Explain," the silver decepticon ordered impatiently, not liking the way Shockwave paused between statements.

"If we told Frequency of it's importance to Soundwave, he may take on the burden as a show of respect for his twin." The scientist motioned a servo to the monitor he'd been standing beside for the past few kliks, Megatron moving to look. Frequency's profile had been opened, and the warlord was inwardly startled with how similar -- but also how different -- the mech looked from Soundwave. They shared the same frame and helm shape, but where Soundwave had been a deep purple, Frequency was a mix of white, teal, and yellow. Instead of a full mask like Soundwave, he possessed a yellow half-mask.

He was rather attractive.

Pulling away from the screen, hot air passed through the warframe's vents as he huffed, regarding Shockwave now. "You still haven't explained why I'm only hearing of this now." He stated, tone holding a dangerous edge.

"Safety of the plan, Lord Megatron. If more knew than necessary, the autobots would hear of it as well long before Soundwave perished." Shockwave answered, "then they would've been quick to locate Frequency and convince him of his misplaced loyalties. He joined the decepticon cause mostly for his brother, but he possesses the ideals of a neutral."

Megatron nodded slowly, begrudgingly understanding what the other mech was saying. Such a fragile situation was too dangerous in the hands of many, but in the hands of one it would prove to be invaluable. "Contact Frequency's commanding officers and order that he be brought here discreetly. Then make sure no one's left alive." The warlord ordered.

"I will see to it personally, my lord," Shockwave monotoned, dipping his helm again. "But one more thing my lord,"

The silver decepticon stopped on his way to the door, half turning to regard the smaller mech.

"What of the simbiots?"

"Without Soundwave, they are useless. Dispose of them."

Shockwave bowed again, remaining still from where he stood beside Soundwave's berth, watching the silver mech's retreating back before he turned his attention onto a nearby berth where Soundwave's simbiots had been sedated and laid out.

Making his way over to look down at them, Shockwave hummed softly before turning to another monitor. Useless? He quite disagreed.

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