"Don't touch my sweatshirt with your shoes" he stated handing her a blue ornament, and walking away from her.

"Glad we are done" she mumbled to herself.

She was relieved when the door bell rang. She couldn't take much more of Bellamy quality time, She opened the door revealing two guys she has never seen before.

"Um can I help you?"

"Yeah, Bellamy Blake here?"

"Unfortunately " Clarke replied. He turned the corner just as they laughed.

"I got this" He smiled.

"Great, my house, but you got this" she gave him a look before heading to her room.

Octavia appeared fresh from the shower, turning the corner to see Bellamy and two others closing the door. One she couldn't seem to look away from. He met her gaze and held it a second longer then Bellamy would like.

"Octavia, this is Lincoln and Wick, they are in the Corps with me and we will all be stationed together here. Hope you don't mind that I invited them. Guys, this is my sister Octavia"

She gave them a small wave and they returned it with a smile.

"And the Blonde?" Wick asked.

"The blonde is Clarke" he stated. Clarke came back out drink in hand with a long t-shirt on, it being around three was a relief to her.

"O, I'm gonna take a shower than I will help with food" she turned the corner, running into Bellamy. The three men turned to look at her.

Bellamy couldn't help but look. The tee cut off mid thigh. How the hell she got that shirt, he didn't know, it was his football shirt from highschool. His last name across her shoulders was doing awful things to him. The shirt alone was bad enough, but it being his, his name on her, gave him this strange feeling, possessiveness, jealousy, pure lust. He didn't know what it was, and he didnt like it either. Just pissed him off more.

"So I was going to ask...but I see now" Wick smiled nudging him.

"See what? " Bellamy asked.

"You and the blonde, you got a thing"

"We don't have a thing, but yeah you are right, off limits, she lives with my sister and I dont need added drama from her" he replied easily.

"Got it, who else is coming?"

"Octavia and Clarke's friends, probably 5 to 7 more people" Bellamy answered as him and his friends took over the couch.

"Clarkey, hurry up!" Ravens voice came through the bathroom door.

"You said You were gonna help with food, not hide till we were done cooking" Octavia yelled through the door.

"I'm coming, hold your horses" She replied shutting the shower off, grabbing a towel and stepping out.

She got dressed in tight blue jeans and a loose fitting gray sweater. She came out to see the whole gang was there already. Bellamy and his friends were on the couch. Monty, Jasper, and Finn on the floor.

Octavia, Raven, Harper, and Maya in the kitchen. The girls slid her a glass of wine when she joined them.

"First you yell because I'm taking to long, now you feed me alcohol?" Clarke questioned.

"Well you see we need two people to run to the liquor store, so we were voting you and Bellamy?"

"No" She replied instantly.

"C'mon, we all cooked" Raven whined.

"I spent enough time with him today, my niceness has reached it's extent"

All Kinds of Therapy ( Bellarke Edition)Where stories live. Discover now