Swara went to her room with swarup and saw sanskar and sannihithi playing!!! Swarup too went and joined them!!! Swara went and hit sanskar's back and said,"Sanskar what's this??? Already they take lot of time to get ready!!! Now u started to play with them haa!!! Swarup come first i will make u ready!!!"

"Ma no u take doll!!!" swarup said cutely in kiddish tone!!! He calls sannihithi as doll!!!

"Swarup doll has taken bath!!! But see u r still dirty!!! Come and take bath!!!" swara said and took swarup forcefully!!! Swarup knows no use in talking to swara so he too went with her angrily!!! Swara made swarup bath and made him ready!!! In the meantime sanskar made sannihithi ready!!! Then swara took sannihithi from sanskar and gave her to shomi and swarup to sujatha and she went to get ready!!!

When swara entered inside she saw sanskar getting ready!!! Swara is tired!!! So she lay down the bed!!! Sanskar saw her and asked,"What happened barbie?? Tired???"

"Yes sanskar!!! Buji is making things very tough!!! He is becoming very naughty!!! Huh"

"Ha ha barbie he is just 3 year old!!! And moreover he got attached to mom a lot!!! He obeys her a lot!!! But when he comes here he doesn't listen to u at all!!! He is happy making u roam around him!!!"

"Ya ya y don't u say!!! Its me who is suffering bcoz of him!!!"

"Swara okie lets join him in school!!!"

"R u mad sanskar??? He is just 3 and i don't want to join him in school soon!!"

"Then what we will do?? If he goes to school atleast u will be free for some hour na!!!"

"No no i am ready to suffer but i can't be without feeling his torture!!!" swara said and sanskar laughed and cupped her cheek and said,"Ha ha barbie nowadays u r also becoming kid!!! Okie now before mom scold us come we will go and get ready!!! And i will make u ready!!!" sanskar said and winked at her!!! Even after 6 years of their marriage sanskar has lot of effects on her!!! She blushed and sanskar carried her in bridal style to washroom and made her wash her face and even he draped her lehenga with lots of romance!!! Then both came down hand in hand!!! Swara went and took sannihithi from shomi and went and stood before the cake!!! Then everyone came near them!!! Sujatha stood near sanskar so swarup stood between sujatha and sanskar!!! Sanskar took him in his arms!! Ashvik and Jhanvi stood near swara!!! There are two cakes in the table!!! Sanskar,swara,sannihithi and swarup cut one cake and ashvik,jhanvi cut the other cake!!! After that sujatha,shomi,swara,jhanvi and ashvik's mother gave cake and snacks too every guest!!! At that time ayush went to the center and took the mic and said,"Hello ladies and gentleman!!! Today is the most important day for our family!!! It's my sister's and jiju's wedding day and my doll sannihithi's birthday!!! Also my bestie,brother,well-wisher,crime partner ashvik's first month anniversary!!! So on this occasion i want my di and jiju to sing a song!!! We all know how experts they are!!! Jiju will play guitar and di will sing a song!!!" he finished and all started to shout come on come on!!! So without any choice swara went and sang a song and sanskar played guitar!!! All enjoyed the performance and after sometime the performance ended and even the party ended!! Ayush,laksh and adarsh took the guests and made them to take dinner!!!

All the guests went!!! Even gadodia's,maheswari's,ashvik family,shomi,dida and ayush went to their home!!! Swara,sujatha and servants cleaned everything and went to sleep!!! Swarup always sleeps with his dadi and dada!!! But today sannihithi who was with ram also slept with them!!! So without disturbing swara went to her room!!! She saw sanskar lying in the bed!!! Swara took her night dress and went to washroom and changed and came and lay down on sanskar's chest!!! Sanskar wrapped his hand around her and said,"Barbie i am very happy today!!! Good parents!!! Even after knowing i am not their own son papa loved me more than uttara!!! Then see even mom's love didn't change!!! And i have a lovely wife who loves me more than anything!!! Now even god gave me two diamonds!!! What else a man wants in his life??? I am very very happy and content!!! I am feeling the most lucky!!!"

"Yes sanskar!!! Even i am very happy today!!! I can't express my happiness!!! Thank u so much for coming into my life sanskar!!! Love u!!!😘😘😘" swara said and kissed his cheek!!!

"Swara still i remember that day which changed my identity!!! But i am very thankful to my family that they believed me!!!" sanskar said and thought about the incident which happened before ap's truth came out!!! Swara and sanskar individually went to every family members and told,"i am really sorry to betray u!!! I didn't loose my memory!!! And also i am not mad!!! I did all this drama bcoz someone from our family is behind me to kill me!!! Tomorrow i will prove it!!! Just don't say this to anyone!!! And also like every day u go out!!! But without anyone's notice come back!!!" this is the dialogue swara and sanskar said to everyone individually!!! So like that everyone went out and came back home without other's notice!!! So when ap confessed her truth all were present in the home only!!! So everyone came to know ap's betrayal!!!

Swara gets stumbled remembering the past!!! "No sanskar don't think anything!!! Now it's our good time!!! We have to think about present only!!! Lets forget those bitter memories!!!" swara said and hugged him tightly!!! To change her mood sanskar talked about their babies!!!

"Swara do u remember how happy we are when we came to know we are going to be parents!!!"

"Yes sanskar thats the most memorable moment of our life!!! U know when i was feeling something different with me i thought i am having some illness!!! That's y i went alone for checkup!!! Even i didn't say anyone about my uneasiness!!!"

"U r such an idiot swara!!! How can u be like this!!! At that time i got angry on u!!! But now when i think all this i am feeling to laugh!!!"

"Sanskar!!!" swara said angrily!!!

"Ha ha just kidding!!! But u know u tortured me to the hell when u were pregnant with swarup!!! But with sannihithi u were sweet that's y our buji is very naughty and sannu is sweet!!!"

"He he what to do!!! My mood differed in both pregnancy!!! And i really have to thank the doctor bcoz she allowed u inside during both deliveries!!!"

"Ya swara!!! If i would have been out surely i would have made everyone mad!!! I was that much anxious!!!" sanskar said and hugged swara!!!

"Our life is very nice sanskar!!!! I am very very happy sanskar!!! Even if the world stops now also i would be very happy!!!" swara said and sanskar hugged swara tightly and kept his lips on swara's lips and started to kiss!!! The kiss turned out to be an passionate one!!! Then both hugged each other and slept with the satisfaction of a happy family!!

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Okie guys now i am ending this story!!! Thank u everyone who supported me in this beautiful journey!!! Hope u guys like this epilogue!!! Hope i satisfied ur expectations!!! Finger crossed!!! I know i didn't show swasan romance!!! But i am really sorry i am very week in this section!!! Hope u guys understood!! Once again thank u and waiting for ur precious comment!!!

Babye 😊

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