Part 3

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The Times of India Delhi office

Kavya entered inside with graceful walk and went to cabin.
"may I come in..." she asked knocking at the door.
"yes..." a female voice came out.kavya entered inside and greeted the lady.
"kavya plz sit" lady said with smile on face. kavya sits opposite to her
"I was reading reviews of your article" lady said
kavya looks at the documents which were placed in front of her then looks at her.
"any problem..." kavya asked
"huge problem for all write one column in whole week and get more reviews from all who write daily" lady said
"Words which come from heart directly touches the heart....I don't do anything" kavya said in deep voice
"right...but I want to ask it necessary to write against male society every time...I mean there are a lot more topics politics, terrorism, corruption... why only criticizing male gender" lady asked.
"ma'am I believe when root of every problem will get solve...all problems will be solved and if anyone have problem with my articles then I will take resignation letter" kavya said with meaningful smile.
lady chuckled.
"No need of that....we can't afford a resignation letter from one of the best columnist and assistant editor....." lady said
kavya smiles fully and gets up.
"I will go to my cabin then" kavya said, greeted her again and left from there.

Ragini stopped kavya, kavita and swara before entering inside.they looked at her.
"Guys plz don't tell mother about accident... pleaseeeeee" ragini said making cute puppy face.
"Don't worry we will not tell her" kavya said assuring her.
ragini sighed in relief and girls walked inside.
"Good evening mother.." girls greeted her together.
"good evening" mother greeted back.
Ragini giver her flowers with tight smile on face.
"for what??" mother asked taking flowers from her.
Before she could have replied.
"ragini hit the car..." swara said
"AGAIN..."kavya said,putting stress on word.
ragini's mouth gets open a little.
" ragini is this true?" mother asked with serious look on face.
ragini smiles meekly at her.kavita keep hand on her own mouth to suppress her loud laughter.
kavya and swara give hi_five to each other, walks, stands with mother and keep their arms on her shoulder.
"mother big accident..." kavya said dramatically.
"front lights got broken and front bumper was hanging down" swara said winking at ragini.
ragini greeted her teeth.
"mother kavya slapped a boy today and...and swara cursed five times in morning don't know how many times in whole day" ragini said quickly and give devilish look to swara and kavya.
smile from there faces vanished.
they remove their arms from mother's shoulder.they silently go and stands in row of culprits.
"you two....hold your ears and starts 'Sit stand' and keep on saying we are sorry and will not do this again"mother said glaring at kavya and ragini.
" and you need to wash your tongue" mother said, holds swara's hand and take her to washroom.
"mother no soap plz....I am sorry" swara cried thinking about burning taste on her tongue.
ragini and kavya look at each other,holds ear and starts their punishment. kavita laughed loudly
"if anyone from media saw me like this then tomorrow's breaking news will be.....national basketball player was doing sit stand..clapping!!!" ragini said making fun of her own.
"and anyone saw me na then all will write column on me" kavya said in horrified voice.
kavita rolled down on floor holding her stomach.At that time swara and mother came out from washroom. swara was making bad bad faces blowing air to her tongue from her hand.
"enough of you two...come for dinner" mother said and leaves.
kavita was still laughing at them.swara,kavya and ragini slapped her.
"At what are u laughing?" swara said glaring at her.
"hey!..." kavita rubs her head

At dining table

"Thank you Jesus for giving us food to fulfill our stomach, plz make us kind, make world good place,finish the cruelty,forgive all our sins.....and forgive us when we curse....or hurt someone by accident or slap anyone" mother completed the prayer and sign everyone to start eating.
kavya,swara and ragini were looking at mother with raised eye brow. they had not completed their prayer yet.
"repeat it what I said and start eating" mother ordered them.
Trio giggled,repeat what she said and starts eating food.

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