"Your mom called me."

I looked up from my Mac and cheese.

"What she say?"

"Apparently she lives here. There's apartments outside the beach 5 minutes away. She wants to see you."

I smiled. It had been a while since I've seen my mom and I really wanted to tell her the news about the baby.

"When can we go?" I asked.

"Today if you want. But I dont want to tell her about the baby," Huey said.


"Because I don't think she'll be happy about that."

"Oh stop it, Huey. My mom will always be happy about my choices. She'll be happy!"

Huey shrugs, eating his apple again.

After we ate, Huey led me to their car and we drove to my moms house. It was a small apartment that looked really beautiful. The neighborhood was nice and there was an amusement park next to it.

(A/N: for those who's never been to VA Beach, there's actually a huge water park next to a huge set of apartments. If you ever go, check the water park out 🙃)

I knocked on the door, hoping I got the right house.

A man opened the door, startling Huey and I. He had dark brown eyes and dark brown skin. He was bald but had a good build.

"Oops, I'm sorry," I say sheepishly. "Wrong address."

"You're Jazmine right?" He asks. I nod. "Sarah! Jazmine's here! Come in, your mom's upstairs."

Huey walks ahead of me, not trusting the man in front of us.

The inside was nice. My baby pictures were everywhere. A few posters the girls and I had were everywhere too.

"Jazmine!" My mom calls.

"Hi mom!" I got and hug her. She looked good. Her hair was the same length, a tint of brown was dyed in her hair. She looked really happy.

"Hi Huey!" My moms goes to hug my boyfriend who awkwardly hugs her back.

"Hi Mrs. Dubois."

"No, please, call me Sarah. I dont like going by that."

Huey nods. I look over at the man from early.

"Who's this?" I asked.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Jazmine this is Daniel Hughes. He's my new boyfriend."

I wave, feeling a bit uneasy. She moved on quick.

"So," Mom starts, "How's the tour going?"

"Great! We have a bonfire tomorrow night that we're doing. Jada picked out this really cool song we're singing and I even got to make the choreography!"

"How fun! Daniel and I are gonna be there for sure! We've never seen you perform before."

I smiled.

"There's actually something I wanted to tell you," I start.



"Jazmine," Huey says sternly. "Don't."

"But I wanna tell her," I state, not looking at him.

"No. Remember what I said earlier."

"Tell me what?" Mom asked.

Huey glares at me as I roll my eyes and look at mom.

"I'm pregnant."

The air seemed to shift. I started feeling as though I should've listened to Huey.

"What?" Mom's tone changed.

"I'm-" I didnt feel as confident as before.

"When did this happen?"

"Almost 12 weeks ago," I mumble.

"And you're okay with this?"

"Y-yea. Why wouldn't I be?"

My moms face changed. She looked upset.

"Jazmine, why would you think thats okay? You're only 19, you can't take care of a baby."

Something in me snapped for some reason. Maybe my hormones were kicking in.

"Excuse me? I've done fine taking care of myself so far!"

"Obviously not if you got knocked up!"

My eyes widened. Huey growled and Daniel was trying to calm my mom down.

"First of all," I stood, "I didn't get 'knocked up' I got pregnant. There's a huge difference since it wasn't some random guy. Second, who are you to judge me? You cheated on dad, ruined our family, and left without saying shit!"

My mom gasped.

"Who do you think you're-"

"I'm talking to you!" I snapped. "And I thought you'd be happy. Huey was right, I shouldn't have said anything about it. Like you care about me anyways."

"Jazmine, I-" My mom starts but I cut her off.

I look at Huey,

"I'm ready to leave."

Huey nods, getting up. As I was getting ready to leave, mom grabs my arm. I react, twisting her wrist.

"Don't touch me."

I push her arm away, leaving.

When we got in the car, I couldn't help but cry. I couldn't believe it. My mom basically said I'm not fit to be a mom or take care of myself. Who did she think she was? No mother treats their child like that.

Huey glanced at me and I heard him sigh.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I said nothing. "Jazmine."

"I wanna go to the hotel and be alone," I said. I didn't want anything to do with anyone right now.

"Jazmine, you can't be serious. So what your mom said that, it's not true. You gotta stop letting things like that get to you."

We arrived in the hotel parking lot.

"Easy for you to say. You're used to be cold hearted," I mumble. Huey scowled.

"Its not being cold hearted, its knowing not to let things like that get to you."

"But I'm not you!" I shot, "I can just ignore things like that."

"Well learn to," Huey shot back.

"You act like my mom didn't just say that to me! But I guess you wouldn't understand since you don't have a mom." I quickly closed my mouth, regretting my choice in words. "Huey, I-"

"Get. Out."

"Huey please-"

"GET THE FUCK OUT JAZMINE!" Huey yells. I jumped. "You said you wanted to be alone right? Now get out."

I got out, tears welding in my eyes. Huey quickly pulls out the parking lot, speeding away.

The moment I got to my hotel room, I sobbed. Today has turned into a shit fest.

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