•Flirt with her!• sad/ happy smut

Start from the beginning

Shawn looked grossed out. "You like girls?" He asked finally letting go of me. "I don't know Shawn, all I know is that I'm madly in love with her and I can't imagine my life without her in it." He clenched his hand.

"I thought we had something? There is no way that you don't have feelings for me Camila! All the flirting we have been doing? All the times in interviews when you said you loved me?!" I take a few steps back scared about what he might do next I have never seen him this angry he was always really sweet to me.

"Shawn..  I didn't even know that we were flirting... that's just how I act with all of my best friends... And when I said I loved you I meant it as I loved you like a friend." I finish my eyes watering up. I felt really bad that I was leading him on but I didn't even know that I was. 

"No Camila! You're lying! Y/n is making you say all this! She is using something against you to make you say all those things!.. You know what? I'm going to go teach this bitch a lesson." He runs out the room to find y/n.

"NOOO!" I scream me and the girls all run out the room to try and save y/n before Shawn beats the shit out of her.

"I'm going to fucking kill him if he lays one finger on her!" Ally yells as we run into y/n's dressing room. We all looked shocked that she had cursed but we had no time to talk about it we had to save Y/n first.

We hear yelling coming form her room. We bust through the door. There Y/n was on the floor with tears streaming down her beautiful face. While Shawn repeatedly kicked her in the stomach. I literally felt my heart break into tiny little pieces. My legs turned to jelly and my whole body went cold and numb. I couldn't hold myself up.

I felt to the cold dirty floor. It was like every thing was a dream and I was about to wake up and everything would be fine. But no this isn't a dream and everything is not fine.

It's like the whole world was in slow motion. I look around and see Ally running up to Shawn she punches him right in the face. "Get. The. Fuck. Out. If you don't I'm going to kill you myself." Shawn looked scared. I don't think I have even seen Ally this mad or Shawn this scared. Shawn looked down at me then back to y/n guilt filled his eyes.

I think that he had finally understood what he had just done. " I I I-m-" I finally was able to stand up. I cut him off  "Shawn you need to leave. Now or I'm going to do something that isn't going to be good for the both of us." He nodded his head and ran out the room as fast as he could.

I run towards y/n and place my hands on her face rubbing my thumb along her cheeks she gives me a weak smile. I start to sob. Looking at her all sore and smashed up made me want to die.

"I'm so s-sorry that s-shawn did this to y-ou." I manage to say. She leans in and kisses my forehead as she leans forward she grunts because of the pain in her stomach from when Shawn was kicking her.

"Baby lie down I don't want you to hurt yourself even more. Dinah call an ambulance." I move a piece of hair behind her ear that had fallen on her face. She blushes and smiles at me.

"Baby? I like it." Her voice was raspy and dry it sent shivers down my spine.

She giggles at my reaction but then starts to cough I frown and place my hand on her back and rub it soothingly hoping that it would somehow help.

"Ok guys the ambulance is on it's way. Are you ok y/n?" Dinah asks her I instantly get mad. "Are you kidding me Dinah? Are you seriously asking her if she is ok! She just got beat up by one of my best friend's who turns out to be in love with me! So no Dinah I don't think that she is ok."

"Camz calm down she was just trying to help." Lauren said to me. I sigh "I'm sorry Dinah. I'm just so annoyed with Shawn and I toke it out on you. It was wrong. I'm sorry" Dinah smiled and leaned down to give me a quick side hug.

Ally walks into the room I hadn't even notice that she left "hey guys the ambulance is here." Lauren and I help hold y/n up into the ambulance. I jump into the ambulance with y/n. "I'm sorry but no friends are aloud in here." I take Y/n's hand in mine "I'm not a friend. I'm her girlfriend. I'm staying." I wish.

We arrived at the hospital they said that y/n was fine she just needed to place ice on it and take some pain killers to ease the pain.

y/n and I are now in her room sitting down on her bed. "baby you to lie down." I say pulling her shoes off.

"Hhhmm I love it when you call me baby." She says pulling my arm towards her.
"Really?" I ask our faces inches away from each other. Butterflies going crazy in my stomach my hands start to shake. My eyes drop down to her perfectly pink plum lips that look delicious.

I catch her looking down at my dry cold lips that are aching to feel hers on mine. Everything else starts to fade. The only thing that I could think about was her Shawn didn't matter anymore. The only person that mattered to me was y/n.

I needed her so badly. "P-please.. Just k-kiss me.." Without hesitation she leaned in and smashed our lips together. I moan in her mouth. I wrap my arms around her neck pulling her in as close as I can. I can't get enough of her.

It's like every fibre of my body is pulling me towards her. I feel like if I stopped touching her I would die. I feel like my world is finally complete.

She flipped us over so she was above on top of me. Her lips moved down to my neck. She bites it harshly "ahh fuck!" I scream she runs her tongue over the bite. She runs her hand down very slowly to my centre "I love what you're doing to me right now" I whisper into her ear.

"oh my god Camila. I want to see you cum so hard." Then out of no where the door bust open. I quickly throw y/n off me onto the other side of the bed. I see Ally standing there shocked.

"Umm.. I just... I came to check on you guys... but I guess you guys are fine so umm I will leave now.." Ally runs out the room. Y/n starts laughing uncontrollably. I slap her arm. "It's not funny! She is probably gonna have nightmares for weeks now."

She starts laughing even more I can't help but join her. Once the laughing dies down I look at her sadly.

"What's wrong cami?" She asks moving closer to me.

"Where does this leave us? Because I..  I really like you.. And I don't think that I can only be you're best friend. I need more than that." She takes my hand in hers. She gives me a quick peck on the lips making me smile.

"I like you to babe. And I also don't want to be just 'best friends'. I want you to be my girlfriend... So what do you say? Want to be my girlfriend?" I smash our lips together and moan out a yes.

{well that was long af. Sorry for any mistakes it's currently 3:45 am 😂❤️}

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