the test

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Stacys pov

I heard my alarm going off and hit the snooze button and got up to change. After changing into some combat gear I made along time ago I went and knocked on marks door. He opened it to reveal he was wearing standard military gear. Lots of weaknesses if you know how to exploit them. "well isn't someone looking handsome." I said to him making him grin.

"Thanks let's go get Nathen." We went over to find a completely empty room. "Guess the kid couldn't take being with the big dogs." Mark joked as we started to walk to the combat arena. As we walked in we saw Nathen standing with his back turned to us wearing the same thing he did yesterday. Mark gulped and walked up to him clearing his throat. "Uh how long you been here?"

"He's been here an hour early." Called a voice from above. Stacy and I looked up to see winter observing us. "You're 10 minutes late." Mark looked down ashamed. I was confused. "It's fine now get into your positions. You will be fighting each other. This test will determine who will be my assistant."

Winter pov

I looked down at the trio as they got into a triangle formation. Nathen didn't move. Mark and stacy pulled out there guns and aimed at one another. "Go!" I yelled. Like a bull stacy started charging and firing at mark while he tried his best to dodge. Nathen was just observing. He obviously didn't care or so I thought at first. I turned my attention back to mark and stacy as they started to fight hand to hand. They were evenly matched out of nowhere an arrow flew at the pair causing them to jump back. They looked down at the arrow then we're it came from. They saw no one there. Then another arrow came from the same place. I looked at where they were appearing from to see it coming from thin air. I was confused at first but then I remembered. Nathen had arrows. The pair in the middle went back to fighting still being bombarded by arrows. Stacy was starting to get the upper hand and mark was on his knees. Stacy hit mark once more on the head knocking him out. She then turned her attention to the arrows to see Nathen standing there shooting them she was obviously confused on how he wasn't seen but started to charge him as his crossbow transformed into a short sword and started to deflect the shots from stacy. She was still charging him looking to be in the lead but I found myself cheering silently for the mystery one. I was thinking how he could beat her until I saw Nathen pull out a glowing green tipped arrow and shot it at stacy only to have here finally use her semblance. She used her shield to deflect the arrow at the ceiling. 3 seconds later the roof exploded raining rubble down on stacy and himself. I was breathing hard nor seeing any rubble move until I saw stacy dragging Nathen out appearing unconscious. She smiled. "Well I guess we have-" out of nowhere Nathen swung his legs up onto stacys shoulders flipping her into a wall. After a minute stacy was deemed knocked out. I looked down smiling at Nathen. He nodded and went to leave. "Where are you going?" I asked.

"To shower." His voice echoed in the broken arena as he left. Wow he even sounds amazing.

"bring a detail in and get the 2 who lost out of the arena and to a hospital." I said as I called my secretary.

"Now to go tell Nathen what his next test is." I left the catwalk and started to walk towards his room. I knocked on his door to have him answer. His hair was wet and had a towel around his waist. I found myself staring at his scar ridden chest.

"If you want something please say." He asked snapping me out of my staring.

"Right sorry but your next task." I handed him a sheet of paper with 100 tasks on it. "Get this done by 10 tonight." This test was to see how well the assistant would work. One of the things I put on there was clean the arena.

"Okay. I'm going to go change now." With that he shut the door. I started to turn away before hearing it open again. "and forgot to mention you're blushing badly."

Winter Is ComingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang