explaining to do (part final)

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Ironwood pov

"I'll start explaining from here." I could tell that Nathen was about to break down. He sat next to winter with his head in his hands.

"Thanks ironwood." He said quietly. Winter started to rub his back sympathetic.


I was looking at the child who couldn't have been more than 18 with scars going up and down his arms. He had a look of I'll get out sooner or later. "Who is this kid?" I asked the soldier standing next to the window.

"He's Nathen Black. The son of the leader of the black mafia." I stared at the kid more when he stood up pulled out a picture. I couldn't see it well but by how he looked his face screamed regret. "He won't talk to anyone so we thought we would call you in."

"Okay I'm going in." I saw as i walk into the room. "Mr. Black?"

"He's dead." The kid replied coldly. "I'm Nathen Ryan." He put the picture in his pocket and his gaze bore into my soul. "What does the general of atlas want with a kid?"

"I've been told you have information on the black mafia." In truth the black mafia is an organization that needed to be taken down.

"Oh really and where did you get this idea?" He replied with a chuckle.

"You being Nathen black." I countered to his annoyance. "Besides why did you change your last name?"

"Because sometimes family pushes you to far." He started to lean back in the chair. "And I hate my family."

"Then tell us what we want!" I demanded. "Help us to bring them down!"

"On a few conditions." He leaned on the table smirking.

"What are your conditions?" I asked.

"1.Marv and his family have complete immunity." He said which caught me off gaurd. "2. Nathen Black stays dead. 3. My father must die."

"The first 2 are easy but the 3rd can only happen if you testify." I said. I wasn't planning on his death. No he had to much to answer for.

"Okay I will." He held out his hand as he stood up. "We have an accord?" I nod and shook his hand. "What do you want to know?"


My strike team, Nathen, and I stood outside of the black mafia mansion. Nathen has his sword drawn ready to strike. I held my pistol as my strike team got themselves ready. "Go go go." Nathen said jumping over the fence knocking out a member of the mafia then ran around a corner. The strike team looked at me. I sighed.

"Go." We jumped over the fence and followed in a sneaking fashion. We got to the corner of the wall to hear conversation.

"Get the boss. He'll want to deal with his son personally." I cursed under my breathe as he was escorted away by 2 members of the mafia. I then realized what he was doing.

"Clever, very clever. Team follow Nathen we're trying to end this with no life's lose." I commanded as we followed the group.

"Why do you even work for the blacks?" I heard nathen ask.

"Didn't you ask that when you were still in the family?" One of his guards replied.

"What's wrong with a bit of conversation?" Nathen asked obviously amused. "Besides you're going die anyway, why not learn your life story?"

"God you're creepier now than before. Finally here." I could hear the sigh of relief as they opened the door. I opened my revolver and loaded in a splatter bullet. It has paint in it giving all the effects a real Bullet would have minus death. My team and I got to the doors and got prepared to breach.

"Why are you here?!" Yelling was the only thing heard at the moment then followed by silence.

"To do 2 things. Get answers first. Why did you try getting me to kill her?" A silence followed.

"She was a test. I paid her to act like she was in love with you. To see if you were obedient or a little bitch. She was a 5 dollar wh-" I kicked the door in hearing enough and aimed right for the mafia leader and shot the splatter bullet at his heart making him fall down unconscious. Nathen walked over to the body and kneeled down.

"She may have been one but I still loved her."

Winter pov

I looked at Nathen horrified he went through all that. He was only 15 and his dad tried getting him to kill. I wanted to be mad and angry at him for not telling me this but as I look down at him all I saw was a broken man that I wanted to protect if I could.

"Where was he last seen ironwood?" Nathen asked silently but loud enough to hear the desperation.

"At your I mean Nathen blacks grave." Ironwood responded.

"Winter. I have to regrettably inform you that i will be taking a leave if absence for awhile." I looked at nathen with more concern.

"No if you're going after that mad man, then I'm going with you."

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