winter moves up

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Winters pov

I made my way up to my way up to commander ironwoods office I was wondering why he called. I was concerned that if was something that I did but couldn't think of anything. I kept thinking why he called me up when I reached his door. I raised my gloved fist and knocked hard 3 times. "Come in." I heard come from the other side. "Ah ms. Schnee, thank you for coming up so fast." Ironwood said while sitting in a chair behind a desk it had papers scattered on top of it and a few different cup. I stood at attention staring straight ahead. "At ease. Sit down." I did as asked. "Now ms. Schnee do you know why I called you here?"

"No sir." I responded instantly. He smiled.

"Well as you know I'm getting quite old, and the grimm problem as you known is increasing, and being here as headmaster of Atlas, a member of atlas council, and the commander of the Atlas military have little time for all 3." He stood up and walked to the window. "I feel as I need to focus more on being a member of the council and leader of the military. But that just leaves for the headmaster position in Atlas." He turned to me. "I'm resigning and putting you incharge."

"Sir permission to speak freely." I asked confusion clouding my mind.

"Winter you don't have to do that anymore so go head." He said smiling.

"Why choose me?" I ask leaning forward as he walked over to a cabnet.

"Because your are the best I have and you're ready. I have nothing more to teach you and I need to have a heir to the position." He pulled out 2 drinking glass and a bottle of whiskey. "Also you're my second in command."

"Thank you sir but I don't know what to do." I said concerned.

"You'll be fine." He sets the whiskey on the desk and slid a glass towards me. "Now drink up." He poured us both a drink and took a glup from one.

"But I don't think that I have time to even look for an assistant." He smirked.

"That's why I took it upon myself to set up a list of suitable people to be that assistant." He pulled out a stack of folders. "I put the ones I'd most recommend at the bottom." He looked at his watch. "I have to go. Winter I would not put this responsibility upon you unless you were ready. Good bye schnee or should I say headmistress Winter." He bowed and left the room.

"God dammit james." I muttered still not taking a drink of whiskey. "Might as well start looking through the applications." I got up and went around the desk to the headmaster chair and sat in it. "Hm softer than expected." I pulled off the first application and started to begin the long night.


It was near 01:00 as I was reading the last one. I had gone over it 3 times now. All it had was 2 things. Name: Nathen James Ryan. Contact information: 307-220-4196

"This is the most promising?" I said irritated. "God James were you drunk?" I sighed. "Well if ironwood thinks highly of him might as well give him a chance. I picked up the phone and called the last 3 applicants. The first was a harden soldier I knew well. He said he will be there tomorrow. The second I called was a lady that was experienced in this line of work, but wasn't much of a fighter. The last one Nathen, all he said was yes and hung up. "Well this is going to be interesting." I stood up and left the office going to my new quaters. When I got there I sighed. It was like the barracks. "Well I will have time down the road." I got into the shower and started to think about Nathen. There wasn't even a picture. But I started to find myself wondering who he is. I shook these thoughts out of my mind and finished up my shower. I got in bed and went to bed.

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