explaining to do (part 1

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Winter pov

I woke up with a yawn and a headache. "Oh what happened last night?" I felt a tug in my waist.

"If you would be so kind to release me I'll gladly explain." Nathan said as I saw his hands frozen together around my waist. He was still wearing his tux that he picked me up in.

"Why are you in my bed?" I asked concerned while breaking the block of ice.

"You tried having sex with me and when I said no you made me stay in bed with you." He said calmly getting out of bed. He stretched causing loud cracking noises. "And I also promised you an explanation." I was about to push him for answers when I heard a knock on the door. Nathen went to get it when I froze his feet.

I quickly answered the door. "Yes hello- General Ironwood." I saluted him instantly.

"Hello winter I have to talk about you with Nathen." He went to push in on the door only for me to stop it. "May I please come in?" He asked.

"No. I'm not exactly decen-" I heard a thud and looked behind the door to see Nathen who was face planted in the floor. "Oh my god why?" I mutter.

"Everything okay in there Ms. Schnee?" Ironwood asked again pushing the door open more. "I thought I heard....." he then successfully pushed the door open to see Nathen trying to get off the floor with his feet in a block of ice. I could tell how awkward this is. "Really Nathen already trying something?" He joked only for Nathen to look up at him glaring. "Should I come back later?" I was blushing furiously.

"Nah I'll leave." Nathen got up after I unfroze his legs.

"Actually you can participate within this conversation. Especially since I was going to talk about you." Ironwood said. He then turned to me. "Both of you should sit down." Nathen looked at me and then we sat on the bed. I unintentionally sat very close to Nathen and listened to the general. "Nathen. Your father has escaped." Nathen froze up instantly.

"He's alive?" I could hear the dangerous tone in his voice. "You said that you would kill him. That was the deal." He stood up and looked at general Ironwood. "That was the deal for my assistance."

No one pov

"I'm sorry but could fill me in on what's going on?" I asked stopping the conversation.

"Do you want to explain Nathen? Your sorta an expert on him." Ironwood suggests.

"I hate you ironwood." Nathen sighed. "First let's get breakfast and meet in winters office." He said.


"these eggs are pretty good." Nathen said taking a bite of his food. Nathen and winter had changed into there uniforms for work and went up to her office to see ironwood looking out the window.

"How long does it take to get breakfast ?" Ironwood said turning around to see Nathen eating eggs with salsa on it. "All you can eat buffet breakfast?" Nathen nodded.

"Alright Nathen please start explaining?" Winter asked desperately.

"Let me start from the beginning. Bit first I need to tell you that I'm the son of a criminal organization aka the black mafia family."


Nathen pov

When I was first born my father's first words were, "you will be the one to lead our family to greatness." As I grew up my father had used the small fortune he had obtained through his criminal means and had me train like I was some animal. For the first 5 months of my life I believed him. My mother was hardly around. She was out running remnants diversty. She saw the value of the faunus and there abilities as criminals. So when the black mafia allowed them in some of the gang wasn't happy with my dad. So they did there best to convince him it was the wrong choice. But what mom said to dad stuck. They were very happy. One day though I was training when some of the black mafia saw me and decided to take drastic measures. There were 3 of them and I was 10 at the time. The 3 gang members tried kidnapping but luckily the bouncer from Remnants diversity was watching me that day by mom's orders. He warned me and saved my life basically. Marv fought them but he was cut on his leg. One of the thugs went in to kill Marv but one of our female servants who was a fox faunus came out and hit that thug giving Marv enough time to fought the other 2 thugs off. He fell in love with her and got his promotion as my bodyguard until I was 15. All of my childhood I had not once committed a single crime and my dad didn't like that. That's when things changed for me. I had finally found a girlfriend who didn't care about my past. She loved me for my kindness.  day my father came into my room in the middle of the night and dragged me to remnants diversity and in a back room was a woman with a sack on her head. "Kill her." He demanded. "Prove your belong in the family." I disobeyed him. He then shot her. The sack fell off to reveal the one I loved. That day I vowed to bring my father down. So I spent the next 3 years of my life gathering information from Marv. One day I was taken in by the authorities. That's how I met ironwood.

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