Bus' rooftop and talk

Start from the beginning


We found ourselves lying on that rooftop after a half an hour later, we placed ourselves the way I had my feet next to his head and he had his feet next to mine head too.
As if we were some weird puzzles, haha.

"Chloè?" Ed suddenly broke the silence between us with his soft quiet voice.

"Um?" I mumbled, not really able to come back from the dreamland of my mind.

"You remember when we met? The first night, right?" He asked and his voice was a bit higher than usual. I could feel when he jerked next to me.

"You mean that night you broke to my tiny flat and almost killed me by shock?" I laughed quietly, not leaving the sky with my eyes. The stars above us were something you couldn't look away from.

"Yeah, haha.. That night. Wanna know a secret?" His voice was now so high that I was sure he swallowed a whistle.

"Of course, tell me." I grinned cheerfully, I felt as if we were just kids talking about something special when really it ain't meant shit.

"I did know you before I broke into your flat that night." Ed said it so quietly I almost didn't hear him.

"What..?" I asked and felt taken aback by his sudden confession.

"Err.. Nevermind, let's talk about something else." He laughed nervously and jerked again as he covered his face with his arms, hiding it before me.

"No. Tell me." I insisted, but didn't rise up to face him, I didn't want to scare him and make him more embarrassed than he already felt.

"Noo.. You'll think I am a stalker." He yelped, not leaving his face with his arms.

"No, I won't I promise." I smiled, frankly I'd promise anything to anyone just to know what did he mean by his confession.

"Pinky promise?" He looked on me through the gap between his fingers, just like a little kid.

"Okay.." I rolled my eyes with a grin when I raised my little finger to do a pinky promise with him.

Ed stared at me in disbelief but then he did the same as I did and voila; pinky promise was done.

"Uh.. So.. Once, it was a week and few days before that night and I accidentally lost so instead of bullshiting around I decided to grab some coffee somewhere and I found the Café we went into the morning after we met.. So I ordered a coffee and sat down to of the tables there and after a couple of minutes you came in, I immediately found you interesting in that too big grey sweater, messy bun and a book in your hand with those big green eyes of yours filled with something..special.
With a light smile you ordered your coffee and went to sit down to the table far away from everyone but right next to window, you always made sure you sit next to window..ha.. As soon as you sat down you opened the book you had with yourself and it all started.. Your show.. I saw even from the distance how dreamy your eyes went and how you bit your thumbnail in focus and how everytime you laughed because something in your book made you laugh, you always got scared and took a quick look around yourself as if you were embarassed someone could hear you laugh.. You usually read about 20 or 40 pages during your coffee time.. After you drank your coffee you paid for it and left, with dreamy smile playing on your dreamy face.. And I found myself going into that Café day by day just for the chance to secretly watch you reading a book.. So I knew you some time before we met..." Ed finished and coughed quietly as he tried to clean his throat.

And I? I was stoned by constant shock, not because he knew me before he broke to my flat, it just happens.. But because of the fact he found me interesting and that he remember every little detail from that moment he first saw me, that was what shocked me.

How? I mean... I'm not ugly... But why? There's nothing interesting on me, I made sure to be as ordinary as I could, just to avoid anyone from noticing me, cause once someone notice you it always causes a billion problems... So I was ordinary and total mess.. The day he talked about was just few days after I moved to NYC and to be honest I was in a terrible shape, both, physically and mentally... And I did my best to keep it like that, be ordinary.. Invisible.. Cause it was all I could do to hide, I was back then so sure he'll find me.. So I was just a mess...But he still used to go to that Cafe and spent some time from his busy life just with watching me doing something so ordinary as reading a book. And he really enjoyed it as I see... What?!

"But I wasn't a stalker! I didn't know where you lived and that I broke into your flat! That's just a coincidence." Ed rushed with this explanation cause he obviously thought that the reason I was daydreaming was because I think he was a stalker.

"I didn't say a word." I said and couldn't help but laugh as I ran through my hair with my fingers, feeling an instant wet.
A dew.

"Yeah, that's why.." Ed mumbled and obviously was hardly embarrassed by his confession, cause he covered his face again.

"Do you wanna know about what I was daydreaming this time?" I asked quietly with a little grin.

"Please.." He begged me and his voice got a curious tone.

"You really found me interesting?" I mumbled as I covered my face with my arm. This time it was me who was embarrassed.

"You have no idea how interesting you really are.." He answered quietly with dreamy voice, as if he was lost a million miles away in his mind.

That took my breath away, but before I could say a word we heard some noise down there.

"Hey you two! Was this time enough or you need next minute for your making out? Cause we should go!" I heard Tim's cheerful voice and laughter of others.
Me and Ed couldn't help but laugh too, it was such a relief.

When we hit the road again I had a dreamy smile on my face...

Things you've never had // Ed Sheeran Where stories live. Discover now