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Chimijanga and feelings, I ask if you caught any.
You look back at your girl and tell me you caught many.
Breaking bricks and fixing windows,
You take my hand and on we go.
And my words have no effect, I pray you wake up.
And realise I could've been all you needed-I could've been enough.
I guess it's time to be mean and put myself first.
It's time to swim in smiles and repel the hurt.
I plan to juggle your feels and make you lose your balance.
I plan to tell you you can't have me and make me your challenge.
And after all the confusion, I plan to love you the same.
I hope you get my drift, I plan to play your game.
We will hula hoop in and out of the friendzone and claim each other.
I will know all your secrets and become tougher.
You will never hate me, and me as well.
I will never catch 1 feel, but you won't be able to tell.
In the end we will be madly in love, or so you might assume.
Our bond stronger than ever and our status cool.
You'll have to go back to her because who knows the fuck why.
We'll go back to normal and you won't be my guy.
Don't plan on coming back, I will be there no longer.
I am grown, some form wiser.
I hope you are sure and have no doubts in your mind.
Cause I'll play you like you did me, and also be a waste of your fuckin time.

-25 August 2017, 20:18

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