Karma's Life X Mine

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Sitting in complete silence.
Shit, there's nothing like that sort of peace.
Or maybe the smell of rain tainted dirt and ground.
I've tried it on several occasions, but my knockoff peace comes nowhere near the real calm of the original.
It is as if the part of my conscious which believes in a soul, feels an adding on of spirituality in the midst of the peacefulness.
A great wonderful lie-that is because I choose to believe in it.
That while looking at twinkling lights in the sky or our great big star making it's way to the other side of mother earth, I am free.
For that 10-20 minutes of a day EVERYTHING DISAPPEARS.
ALL GONE. No problems, no headaches, no insecurities, no heartache.
A beautiful image painted with invisible ink.
It's an enticing illusion, so very difficult to avoid-to ignore-refuse.
It's so very difficult...
What would dreams be if we lived them?
The day's occurrences?
More dreams?
A different desire perhaps because you can never have enough, can you?
While staring off into cheesy ass sunsets and stars, I often wonder how Karma determines her targets.
How she chooses to enact good or bad and how she feels afterwards.
I wonder if she knows how much faith I put in her and her methods.
I wonder if she grows lonesome or if she fuckin loves her job because she lives for the reactions.
Good or bad.
I could've sworn I saw her the last time it rained.
She sat next to me as I watched the clouds transform ever so swiftly.
She smiled at me, looked up and when I looked back, she was gone.
She had done what she needed and just as I had hoped, she looked happy.
Karma was happy..

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